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African philosophy, Francophone

The imaginative and intellectual writings that have come out of French-speaking Africa have tended to be associated exclusively with the négritude movement and its global postulation of ...

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Ethical systems, African

Ethical thought in sub-Saharan Africa grows largely out of traditions that are communalistic, not based in individual consent, anti-universalizing, naturalistic, and humanist. Within such thought, the general vocabulary ...

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Traditional definitions of marginal persons include those who live in two worlds, but do not feel well integrated into either and those who live in societies which are ...

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Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte de (1816–82)

Although best remembered as the author of Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines, Gobineau’s main literary activity was as a novelist and writer on Asia. Even though his ...

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African philosophy

In order to indicate the range of some of the kinds of material that must be included in a discussion of philosophy in Africa, it is as well ...

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Aesthetics, African

The study and analysis of African art and aesthetics have been dominated by Western culture. Initially the aesthetic sensitivities of African cultures were characterized as ‘primitive’ and of ...

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Cabral, Amílcar (1924–73)

Amílcar Cabral was founder and leader of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), which led a war of liberation in the Portuguese ...

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Fanon, Frantz (1925–61)

Fanon’s views (and often various misinterpretations of them) on the nature of colonialism, racism and the role of violence in Third-World revolutions were enormously influential. The main themes ...

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Senghor, Léopold Sédar (1906–2001)

Léopold Sédar Senghor is one of the most influential African poets of the modern era. He also left his mark as a controversial cultural theorist and president of ...

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Ethnophilosophy, African

Ethnophilosophy refers to bodies of belief and knowledge that have philosophical relevance and which can be redescribed in terms drawn from academic philosophy, but which have not been ...

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African philosophy, Anglophone

Contemporary African philosophy is in a state of flux, but the flow is not without some watersheds. The chief reason for the flux lies in the fact that ...

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