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Akan philosophical psychology

The word Akan refers to the Twi-speaking people of southern and central Ghana. Akan traditional philosophy is essentially a philosophy of the person. It has cosmological ramifications, ...

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African philosophy

In order to indicate the range of some of the kinds of material that must be included in a discussion of philosophy in Africa, it is as well ...

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Ethical systems, African

Ethical thought in sub-Saharan Africa grows largely out of traditions that are communalistic, not based in individual consent, anti-universalizing, naturalistic, and humanist. Within such thought, the general vocabulary ...

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Mind, philosophy of

‘Philosophy of mind’, and ‘philosophy of psychology’ are two terms for the same general area of philosophical inquiry: the nature of mental phenomena and their connection with behaviour ...

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Nature, concept of in Akan thought

It can be argued (and sometimes is) that Africans do not make a distinction between the natural and the supernatural. But the resulting conceptual economy may be rationally ...

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African philosophy, Anglophone

Contemporary African philosophy is in a state of flux, but the flow is not without some watersheds. The chief reason for the flux lies in the fact that ...

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Ethnophilosophy, African

Ethnophilosophy refers to bodies of belief and knowledge that have philosophical relevance and which can be redescribed in terms drawn from academic philosophy, but which have not been ...

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