
Comte, Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier (1798–1857)

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-DC016-1
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List of works

  • Comte, A. (1830–42) Cours de philosophie positive (Course in Positive Philosophy), Paris: Société Positiviste, 5th edn (identical to the first), 1892, 6 vols; ed. M. Serres et al., Paris: Hermann, 1975, 2 vols; trans. and condensed H. Martineau, The Positive Philosophy, London: G. Bell, 1896, 3 vols.

    (Comte’s major work.)

  • Comte, A. (1844) Discours sur l’esprit positif (A Discourse on the Positive Spirit), Paris: Vrin, 1990.

    (An attempt to introduce and popularize positivism.)

  • Comte, A. (1848) Discours sur l’ensemble du positivisme (A General View of Positivism), Paris: Société Positiviste, 1907.

    (A further introduction to positivism.)

  • Comte, A. (1851–4) Système de politique positive ou Traité de sociologie instituant la religion de l’Humanité, Paris: L. Mathias, 1928, 4 vols; Osnabrück: Zeller, 1967; trans. J.H. Bridges, F. Harrison et al., System of Positive Polity, London, 1875, 4 vols; repr. New York: Burt & Franklin, 1966.

    (Presents Comte’s scheme for a new society.)

  • Comte, A. (1856) Synthèse subjective ou Système universel des conceptions propres à l’état normal de l’Humanité (Subjective Synthesis), vol. 1: Traité de philosophie mathématique, Paris: Société Positiviste.

    (Comte’s last, uncompleted, work.)

  • Comte, A. (1970a) Plan des travaux scientifique nécessaires pour réorganiser la société (Plan of the scientific operations necessary for reorganizing society), Paris: Subier Montaigne.

    (The fundamental opuscule, dating from 1822.)

  • Comte, A. (1970b) Écrits de jeunesse, 1816–28 (Early Writings, 1816–28), ed. P.E. de Berrêdo Carneiro and P. Arnaud, Paris: Mouton.

    (Includes Opuscules de philosophie sociale and Mémoire sur la Cosmogonie de Laplace and Essais sur la philosophie des mathématiques.)

  • Comte, A. (1973–90) Correspondance générale et confessions (General correspondence and Confessions), ed. P.E. de Berredo Carneiro, P. Arnaud, P. Arbousse-Bastide and A. Kremer-Marietti, Paris: École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 8 vols.

    (A scholarly edition of Comte’s correspondence.)

  • Comte, A. (1995) The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte, trans. with foreword A. Haac, intro. A. Kremer-Marietti, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

    (A translation of the correspondence between Comte and Mill.)

References and further reading

  • Bain, A. (1855) The Senses and The Intellect, London.

    (Applies the findings of physiology to psychology.)

  • Brewster, D. (1838) Review of Cours de philosophie positive, Edinburgh Review 67.

    (An unsigned and sympathetic review of the first two volumes of Comte’s Cours de philosophie positive.)

  • Duhem, P. (1914) La théorie physique – son objet – sa structure (Physical theory: its object and structure), Paris: M. Rivière.

    (Famous study by the French physicist.)

  • Edger, H. (1856) The Positivist Calendar, New York.

    (A guidebook for the practice of Positivism.)

  • Gouhier, H. (1933–41) La Jeunesse d’Auguste Comte et la formation du positivisme (The young Comte and the formation of Positivism), Paris: Vrin, 3 vols.

    (A good basis for understanding the evolution of Comte’s thought.)

  • Harrison, F. (1875) Social Statics, London.

    (An essay from one of the leaders of the Positivist movement in England.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1980) Le Projet anthropologique d’Auguste Comte (Auguste Comte’s anthropological project), Paris: SEDES.

    (Examines the principle of homology and epistemology.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1982) Entre le Signe et l’Histoire: l’Anthropologie positiviste d’Auguste Comte (Between the sign and history: The positivist anthropology of Auguste Comte), Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck.

    (Expansion of the material in §§2–5 of this entry. Historical and semiotic approach to the theoretical structures of positivist epistemology.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1983) Le Concept de Science positive. Ses tenants et ses aboutissants dans les structures anthropologiques du positivisme (The concept of positive science), Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck.

    (How the concept of positive science is taken as a model: complements §2 of this entry.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1987) ‘Positivist Anthropology’, Encylopedia of Library and Information Science, New York: Marcel Dekker INC.

    (Compares the theories of language and classification of Alexander Bryan Johnson and Comte.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1988) ‘Auguste Comte et la sémiotique’ (Auguste Comte and Semiotics), RSSI 8 (1–2): 131–144.

    (Seeks out the semiotic principle; see §4 above.)

  • Kremer-Marietti, A. (1992) ‘Measurement and Principles. The Structure of Physical Theories’, Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (182): 361–375.

    (Includes a view on holism.)

  • Larizza-Lolli, M. (1993) ‘Le premier rayonnement en France des idées d’Auguste Comte (1824–48): les milieux, les institutions, les hommes’ (The initial reception in France of Auguste Comte’s ideas (1824–48): the environment, the institutions, the people), Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire de la Révolution de 1848 et des Révolutions du XIXème siècle, Paris, 69–101.

    (A historical essay on Comte’s scientific environment.)

  • Laudan, L. (1971) ‘Towards a Reassessment of Comte’s “Méthode Positive”’, Philosophy of Science 37: 35–53; also in Science and Hypothesis: Historical Essays on Scientific Methodology, ed. L. Laudan, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1981, 141–162.

    (An essay on Comte’s scientific method.)

  • Magnin, F. (1913) Etudes Sociales (Social Studies), Paris.

    (The essays of a manual worker inspired by positivism.)

  • Mill, J.S. (1843) System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, in Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vols 7 and 8, London: Routledge, 1991.

    (Emphasizes the study of human nature (psychology) and the study of human character (ethology).)

  • Mill, J.S. (1865) Auguste Comte and Positivism, in Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. 10, 261–368, London: Routledge, 1991.

    (Mill criticizes Comte.)

  • Peirce, C.S. (1966) Collected Papers, vols 1–8, ed. C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A. Burks, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    (Contributes to the logic of scientific methodology.)

  • Petit, A. (1991) ‘La Révolution occidentale selon Auguste Comte: entre l’Histoire et l’Utopie’ (The western revolution according to Auguste Comte: between History and Utopia), Revue de Synthèse CXIII (1): 21–40.

    (Presents utopia as the servant of history.)

  • Pickering, M. (1993) Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (The newest and very important history of Comte’s thought and life.)

  • Plé, B. (1996) Die Welte ‘aus’ den Wissenschaften (The world ‘out of’ the sciences), Stuttgart: Klein-Cotta.

    (Study of sociology of science: positivism in France, England and Italy from 1848 to 1910.)

  • Scharff, R. (1991) ‘Comte, Philosophy, and the Question of History’, Philosophical Topics 19: 177–204.

    (Observations pertinent to Comte’s epistemology. Referred to in §1.)

  • Scharff, R. (1995) Comte after Positivism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

    (A recent study of Comte’s thought.)

  • Schmaus, W. (1982) ‘A Reappraisal of Comte’s Three-State Law’, History and Theory 21 (2): 248–266.

    (An interesting essay on Comte’s famous law of three stages.)

  • Spencer, H. (1851) Social Statics: or the Conditions Essential to Human Happiness and the First of them Developed, London: Chapman.

    (Spencer’s first important work, advocating extreme individualism.)

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Kremer-marietti, Angele. Bibliography. Comte, Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier (1798–1857), 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-DC016-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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