
Bradley, Francis Herbert (1846–1924)

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-DC008-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 1998
Retrieved April 25, 2024, from

List of works

Bradley’s works are best consulted in the latest of the editions mentioned. These are the ones usually cited in recent discussion; they are also the most useful in that, while the earlier text is usually left intact, Bradley’s later thoughts are added in the form of notes, appendices and essays. The library of Merton College, Oxford, holds Bradley’s unpublished papers, notebooks and letters received. The Russell Archives at McMaster University contain letters from Bradley to Russell (some interesting extracts appear in The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, vol. 6, 349–353), and the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester has letters from Bradley to Samuel Alexander.

  • Bradley, F.H. (1876, 1927) Ethical Studies, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (The second edition, published posthumously, contains unfinished notes by Bradley; the text is otherwise that of the first.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1883, 1922) The Principles of Logic, London: Oxford University Press.

    (The second, revised edition adds extensive commentary and terminal essays to the text of the first. Out of print at the time of writing.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1893, 1897) Appearance and Reality, London: Swan Sonnenschein.

    (The second edition contains a substantial and important Appendix. The most commonly encountered version now is the so-called ‘ninth impression’ of 1930, on which all subsequent printings have been based. This was published in Oxford at the Clarendon Press after the rights were secured from George Allen & Unwin, which as George Allen had taken over Swan Sonnenschein. This ninth impression is a textually corrected version of the second edition, but has a completely different pagination. Out of print at the time of writing.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1914) Essays on Truth and Reality, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Mostly published in Mind from 1899 onwards, these are major essays containing developments of Bradley’s logic and metaphysics, incisive criticism of William James and Bertrand Russell, and reflections on religion. Out of print at the time of writing.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1930) Aphorisms, Oxford: privately printed at the Clarendon press; Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1993, facsimile edn.

    (The modern edition is bound together with ‘The Presuppositions of Critical History’ and contains an introduction to the latter by Guy Stock.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1935) Collected Essays, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Contains the two pamphlets ‘The Presuppositions of Critical History’ (1874) and ‘Mr Sidgwick’s Hedonism’ (1877) as well as the valuable unfinished essay ‘Relations’ and a good bibliography of Bradley’s published works. Out of print at the time of writing.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1994) Writings on Logic and Metaphysics, ed. and with intros by J.W. Allard and G. Stock, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (Contains well-chosen extracts from the Logic, Appearance and Reality and Essays on Truth and Reality. The helpful introductions are both general and topic-specific; this is a very useful edition for undergraduates.)

References and further reading

  • Bradley, F.H. Bradley Studies (1995–), Harris Manchester College, Oxford.

    (This journal ‘aims to publish critical and scholarly articles on philosophical issues arising from Bradley’s writings and from those of related authors’ and ‘to include each year an ongoing list of what has been published on Bradley and related themes’.)

  • Campbell, C.A. (1931) Scepticism and Construction: Bradley’s Sceptical Principle as the Basis of Constructive Philosophy, London: George Allen & Unwin.

    (One of the clearest pictures of Bradley’s metaphysics from within his own tradition. Critical but sympathetic. Out of print.)

  • Candlish, S. (1978) ‘Bradley on My Station and Its Duties’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56 (2): 155–170.

    (A critical exposition of the place of Bradley’s most famous essay in his moral thought, relating it also to his metaphysics. Suitable for undergraduates.)

  • Candlish, S. (1989) ‘The Truth about F.H. Bradley’, Mind, 98 (391): 331–348.

    (On analytic philosophy’s distorted picture of Bradley, and his theory of truth; intelligible to advanced undergraduates.)

  • Horstmann, R.-P. (1984) Ontologie und Relationen, Königstein: Athenäum.

    (A thorough discussion, in German, of the treatment of relations by Bradley, Hegel and Russell, concluding in favour of Hegel. A work for scholars.)

  • Ingardia, R. (1991) Bradley: A Research Bibliography, Bowling Green, OH: Philosophy Documentation Center.

    (Indexes primary sources, books, articles, dissertations, book reviews. Littered with trivial errors, but very comprehensive. Many of the articles attributed to Cresswell are by Crossley.)

  • Mander, W.J. (1994) An Introduction to Bradley’s Metaphysics, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Intended for serious beginners, but also of scholarly interest. Draws on such reassessments of Bradley as those in Manser and Stock and covers Bradley’s best known ideas and arguments.)

  • Mander, W.J. (1996) Perspectives on the Logic and Metaphysics of F.H. Bradley, Bristol: Thoemmes Press.

    (Papers from the 1993 F.H. Bradley Colloquium, accessible to advanced undergraduates.)

  • Manser, A. (1983) Bradley’s Logic, Oxford: Blackwell.

    (A study of The Principles of Logic with particular attention to its historical background, which argues that the original text of 1883 is free of the later metaphysics and unfairly neglected. Not difficult, but presupposes knowledge of twentieth century analytic philosophy. Out of print.)

  • Manser, A. and Stock, G. (1984) The Philosophy of F.H. Bradley, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (A well-reviewed collection of essays, covering the full range of Bradley’s work, with a useful scene-setting editorial introduction. Suitable for advanced undergraduates. Reprinted in paperback in 1986.)

  • Nicholson, P. (1990) The Political Philosophy of the British Idealists: Selected Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (Study I is an accurate and sympathetic but somewhat uncritical account of Ethical Studies, readable by beginners. There is an extensive bibliography.)

  • Passmore, J. (1969) ‘Russell and Bradley’, in R. Brown and C.D. Rollins (eds), Contemporary Philosophy in Australia, London: George Allen & Unwin.

    (One of the most perceptive comparisons of the two philosophers, straightforwardly written and free of technicality. Out of print.)

  • Sprigge, T.L.S. (1993) James and Bradley: American Truth and British Reality, Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court.

    (A substantial critical comparison of the work of Bradley and William James, which pays more than usual attention to Bradley’s views on religion, has a detailed summary of the philosophers’ correspondence and gives chronologies listing their works by year of appearance. Clearly written but very long.)

  • Stock, G. (1997) Appearance versus Reality, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Originating in the F.H. Bradley Colloquium 1993, a collection of major articles on the metaphysics and logic, plus other material, accessible to advanced undergraduates.)

  • Taylor, A.E. (1924–5) ‘Francis Herbert Bradley, 1846–1924’, Proceedings of the British Academy 11 (2): 458–468.

    (The standard source for biographical information, some of which was obtained with family help.)

  • Wollheim, R. (1956) ’F.H. Bradley’, in Ayer, A.J. et al., The Revolution in Philosophy, London: Macmillan, 12–25.

    (Perhaps the best short depiction of central themes in Bradley’s logic and metaphysics, written with great clarity and insight; accessible to complete beginners. Out of print.)

  • Wollheim, R. (1969) F.H. Bradley, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2nd edn.

    (For many years the standard text on Bradley. Accessible to undergraduates. Admirably clear and free of jargon, but should not be regarded as reliable. Out of print.)

Citing this article:
Candlish, Stewart. Bibliography. Bradley, Francis Herbert (1846–1924), 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-DC008-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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