
Goodman, Nelson (1906–98)

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-M045-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 1998
Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

List of works

  • Goodman, N. (1951) The Structure of Appearance, Boston: Reidel, 3rd edn, 1977.

    (This work uses devices of formal logic to construct systems that solve or dissolve perennial problems in epistemology. It argues that the availability of multiple, divergent constructional systems is a virtue rather than a flaw.)

  • Goodman, N. (1954) Fact, Fiction, and Forecast, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 4th edn,1984.

    (This work poses the new riddle of induction, and proposes a solution to it. It argues that only by looking at past inductive practice do we have the resources for precluding the induction of ‘All emeralds are grue’.)

  • Goodman, N. (1968) Languages of Art, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

    (A development of a general theory of symbols and an application to the arts.)

  • Goodman, N. (1972) Problems and Projects, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

    (A collection of papers on a variety of issues including art, meaning, induction and simplicity.)

  • Goodman, N. (1978) Ways of Worldmaking, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

    (This work argues that worlds are made through the construction and deployment of symbol systems, and that there are many worlds if any.)

  • Goodman, N. (1984) Of Mind and Other Matters, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    (A collection of papers on metaphysics, aesthetics and the theory of reference.)

  • Goodman, N. and Elgin, C. Z. (1988) Reconceptions in Philosophy and Other Arts and Sciences, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

    (This book reconceives the ends and means of philosophy, taking understanding and rightness of symbols rather than knowledge and truth as central notions.)

  • Goodman, N. (1990) A Study of Qualities, New York: Garland.

    (Goodman’s PhD dissertation. A precursor to the position developed more fully in The Structure of Appearance.)

References and further reading

  • Cohnitz, D. and Rossberg, M. (2006) Nelson Goodman, Chesham: Acumen.

    (An excellent introduction; covers the full range of Goodman’s work, showing how his epistemology, philosophy of science, metaphysics and aesthetics weave together into a mutually supportive philosophy.)

  • Elgin, C. Z. (1983) With Reference to Reference, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

    (An explication and elaboration of Goodman’s theory of symbols, which also extends it to the philosophy of language.)

  • Ernst, G., Steinbrenner, J. and Scholz, O. (2009) From Logic to Art: Themes from Goodman, Frankfurt: Ontos-Verlag.

    (A collection of papers by European philosophers that synthesize, analyse, extend and correct aspects of Goodman’s philosophy.)

  • Hellman, G. (1977)Introductionto N. Goodman The Structure of Appearance, Boston: Reidel, 3rd edn.

    (An excellent, accessible introduction to the main themes in Goodman’s technical work.)

  • Schwartz, R. (1986) ‘I’m Going to Make You a Star’, Midwest Studies in Philosophy 11: 427–439.

    (A discussion of the metaphysical position Goodman adopts in Ways of Worldmaking.)

  • Stalker, D. (1994) Grue, Chicago: Open Court.

    (An anthology of papers on the new riddle of induction. Contains an excellent annotated bibliography.)

Citing this article:
Elgin, Catherine Z.. Bibliography. Goodman, Nelson (1906–98), 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-M045-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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