DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-N043-1
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References and further reading

  • Birkenmajer, A. (1972) ‘Histoire de sciences et de l’enseignement en Pologne’, Studia Copernicana 4 (X): 819.

    (A history of the sciences and of general education in Poland.)

  • Bornstein, B. (1939) Geometric Logic, Warsaw: Wolna Wszechina Polska.

    (Mentioned in §3 above. An interesting parallel between the structure of space and the structure of thought.)

  • Bornstein, B. (1948) Teoria absolutu. Metafizyka jako nauka ścisła (The theory of the absolute. Metaphysics as science), Łódź: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.

    (An attempt to treat geometric structure of space as a representation of the structure of being; mentioned in §3 above.)

  • Chudy, W. (1990) ‘Filozofia polska po II wojnie światowej’ (Polish philosophy after the Second World War), Studia Philosophiae Christianae 26 (1): 129–141.

    (Survey of Polish philosophy in the period 1945–90.)

  • Czerkawski, J. (1992) Humanizm i scholastyka (Humanism and scholasticism), Lublin: RW KUL.

    (Studies in the history of philosophical culture in Poland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.)

  • Domański, J., Szczucki, L., Ogonowski, Z. (1978–9) 700 lat myśli polskiej (Seven-hundred years of Polish thought), 5 vols, Warsaw: PWN.

    (Includes a selection of classical texts and essays by Polish scholars from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries, excepting the eighteenth.)

  • Domański, J., Szczucki, L., Ogonowski, Z. (1989) Zarys dziejów filozofii w Polsce; wieki XIII–XVII (A short history of philosophy in Poland, 13th–17th centuries), Warsaw: PWN.

    (This work contains an extensive bibliography of classical texts and essays by contemporary scholars.)

  • Gogacz, M. (1978) ‘Tomizm w polskich środowiskach uniwersyteckich XX wieku’ (Thomism in Polish university circles in the 20th century), in Studia z dziejów myśli świetego Tomasza z Akwinu, Lublin: TN KUL, 335–350.

    (Survey of twentieth-century Thomist philosophy in Polish academia.)

  • Hinz, H., Sikora, A. (1964) Polska myśl filozoficzna. Oświecenie. Romantyzm (Polish philosophical thought: The Enlightenment and Romanticism), Warsaw: PWN.

    (An anthology of writings by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Polish philosophers,with a bibliography of their works.)

  • Jordan, Z.J. (1963) Philosophy and Ideology, Dodrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.

    (Traces the development of philosophy and marxism in Poland since the Second World War.)

  • Kadler, A. (1955, 1960, 1971) Bibliografia filozofii polskiej (Bibliography of Polish philosophy), 3 vols, Warsaw: PWN.

    (Vol. 1 (1750–1830); Vol. 2 (1831–64); Vol. 3 (1865–95). More volumes in preparation. Contains valuable bibliographic material for the student interested in more advanced study.)

  • Kuksewicz, Z. (1975–88) Dzieje filozofii średniowiecznej w Polsce (History of medieval philosophy in Poland), 10 vols, Wrocław: Ossolineum.

    (Six authors describe medieval Polish logic, methodology of science, philosophy of being, philosophy of nature, philosophy of man – theory of soul, epistemology, moral philosophy, beginnings of humanism in Poland, beginnings of social sciences – and methodological principles.)

  • Lutosławski, W. (1897) Origin and Growth of Plato’s Logic, London: Longmans, Green.

    (Famous work on the chronology of Plato’s corpus. Mentioned in §3 above.)

  • Modrzewski, A.F. (1551) De Republica Emendanda, Cracow.

    (Contained proposals for extensive social reform. Mentioned in §2 above.)

  • Ogonowski, Z. (1992) Filozofia polityczna w Polsce w XVII wieku i tradycje demokracji europejskiej (Political philosophy in Poland in the 17th century and the traditions of European democracy), Warsaw: PAN.

    (An anthology of texts by seventeenth-century Polish philosophers.)

  • Skolimowski, H. (1967) Polish Analytical Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

    (Review of the main features.)

  • Stępień, A.B. (1966) ‘Fenomenologia w Polsce (w powojennym dwudziestoleciu)’, Studia Philosophiae Christianae 2 (1): 29–47.

    (Phenomenology in Poland in the twenty years after the Second World War.)

  • Stępień, A.B. (1968) ‘La filosofia tomastica nella Polonia contemporanea’, Sapienza 1968: 509–528.

    (Survey of Thomistic philosophy in Poland, written during the 1960s.)

  • Stępień, A.B. (1975) ‘La filosofia nella Polonia contemporanea’, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-scolastica 67: 288–299.

    (Review of philosophy in contemporary Poland.)

  • Szaniawski, K. (1988) The Vienna Circle and the Lwów–Warsaw School, Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

    (Vol. 28 in the Nijhoff International Philosophy series. Not for the beginner.)

  • Szczucki, L. (1978) Nauczanie filozofii w Polsce w XV–XVIII wieku (Teaching philosophy in Poland in the 15th –18th centuries), Wrocław: Ossolineum.

    (A selection of writings about the teaching of philosophy in Cracow, Zamość, Gdansk and Torun.)

  • Wielgus, S. (1990) Obca literatura biblijna w Średniowiecznej Polsce (Foreign biblical literature in medieval Poland), Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.

    (A collection of foreign, Western biblical writings which were present in medieval Polish schools and in the University of Cracow in the fifteenth century.)

  • Wielgus, S. (1991) ‘Die Theorie des Menschen in den Werken Krakauer Theologen aus der zweiten Hälfte des XV Jahrhunderts’ in B. Mojsisch and O. Pluta (eds) Historia Philosophiae Medii Aevi, vol. 1, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: B.R. Grüner, 1047–1064.

    (An exposition of the philosophical theory of man, based on the main Polish biblical commentaries written in the second half of the fifteenth century.)

  • Wielgus, S. (1992) Średniowieczna łacińskojęzyczna biblistyka polska (Polish medieval biblical science in Latin), Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.

    (Reviews the scientific production of medieval Polish scientists who were taking up theology and philosophy.)

  • Wielgus, S. (1995) ‘Średniowieczna filozofia w Polsce(Polish medieval philosophy)’, in Z badań nad średniowieczem, Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.

    (A brief history of medieval Polish philosophy with a very extensive bibliography of Polish medieval texts and essays by contemporary scholars.)

  • Wiszniewski, M. (1837) Charaktery rozumów ludzkich (Sketches and characters or: The natural history of human intellects), Cracow, 1842.

    (Mentioned in §3 above. The translation was published by Saunders & Otley in London (1853) under the pseudonym James Whitecross.)

  • Woleński, J. (1989) Logic and Philosophy in the Lwów–Warsaw School, Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

    (This is the English version of the first extensive monograph on the Lwów–Warsaw School.)

  • Zawirski (1936) L’évolution de la notion du temps, Cracow: PAU.

    (Mentioned in §3 above. An outline of the history of various conceptions of time, with analytical and critical commentaries.)

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Czerkawski, Jan et al. Bibliography. Poland, philosophy in, 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-N043-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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