

Global Justice

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-PLAY3586-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 2015
Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

Article Summary

For introductions to the current debate on global justice, the obvious entries to start with are Simon Caney’s Global Justice, recent work on and Charles Beitz’s International Relations, philosophy of. Another introduction to the subject but from the legal perspective is International Law, philosophy of by Allen Buchanan. Human Rights by Peter Jones examines a central ideal of global justice and international law.

Brian Barry and Matt Matraver’s Justice, international focuses on the topic of global distributive justice as does Caney’s to a lesser extent. A basic point of contention in this discussion is whether global justice includes an egalitarian distributive commitment or at best only an obligation to meet basic needs. This is at bottom a debate between equality and sufficiency, and Equality by Albert Weale and Sufficientarianism by Axel Gosseries are recommended further readings on this debate. Continuing with the topic of global economic justice, David Crocker’s Development Ethics surveys the challenges of economic development and international moral responsibility. For more on development ethics, see MozaffarQizilbash’s entry on Amartya Sen. Globalization by Jan AartScholte discusses the phenomenon that introduces some of the issues of economic justice discussed in the some of the above entries.

The reader will notice that the cosmopolitan ideal is the organizing theme in Caney’s and Barry and Matraver’s entries (and is also discussed in Beitz’s). Nation and Nationalism by David Miller examines the value of nationality, a value that is normally thought to be in tension with cosmopolitanism. Closely associated with nationalism is the concept of state sovereignty, and Beitz’s entry examines the limits of state sovereignty within international justice. For additional introduction to key ideas underlying state sovereignty, I’d suggest checking out State, the by Peter P. Nicholson and Sovereignty by J.D. Ford. Christopher Heath Wellman’s Secession examines possible conditions under which a group can break away from a sovereign state to form its own state or join another.

For a survey of the normative issues surrounding immigration, see Matthew J. Gibney’s Immigration and Refugees. Related to this, see Will Kymlicka’sCitizenship. Cultural pluralism is an important aspect of global justice. So while it is not directly on the subject of global justice, Arthur Ripstein’s Multiculturalism offers a general introduction to the problem of culture and justice.

Global Climate Change is, of course, a pressing problem of global justice. Future Generations, obligations to by Avner de-Shalit and Sustainability by Allan Holland discuss some basic philosophical issues at play in climate change justice. More discussions on environmental justice can be found in Population and Ethics by David Heyd, Green Political Philosophy by Terence Ball, and Environmental Ethics by Andrew Brennan.

Finally, readers interested in justice and war may wish to consult the following entries: Terrorism, David Rodin; War and Peace, philosophy of, Terry Nardin; and Humanitarian Intervention, Nicholas J. Wheeler.

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Tan, Kok-Chor. Global Justice, 2015, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-PLAY3586-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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