
Applied ethics

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-L005-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 1998
Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

References and further reading

  • Aquinas, T. (1266–73) Summa theologiae (Synopsis of Theology), ed. T. Gilby, London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963–, 60 vols.

    (A theological work, which provides a place for the Aristotelian virtues, conscience and natural law, and also deals with practical ethical issues including marriage and the family.)

  • Bentham, J. (1789) An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, ed. J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart, revised F. Rosen, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

    (Sets out the foundations of a utilitarian theory of ethics, law and punishment.)

  • Bok, S. (1978) Lying: Moral Choices in Public and Private Life, New York: Pantheon.

    (Practical discussions of ethical considerations raised by practice of lying in connection with many professional areas.)

  • Bok, S. (1984) Secrets, New York: Random House.

    (Practical discussion of issues of confidentiality and secrecy in public life.)

  • Carson, R. (1962) Silent Spring, London: Hamish Hamilton.

    (Although not itself a work in applied ethics, this was instrumental in drawing public attention to the threat to the environment poaed by the use of pesticides in agriculture.)

  • Clark, S.R.L. (1977) The Moral Status of Animals, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (A philosophical and ethical examination of the status of animals in their relations to human beings.)

  • Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and Education, New York: The Free Press, 1966.

    (Sets out an approach to the education of young children, which includes the use of discovery methods and the arrangement of the classroom as wookroom for cooperative projects.)

  • Gilligan, C. (1982) In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 2nd edn, 1993.

    (Account of research which first suggested that women might be articulating a different view of morality, contextual and personal rather than universal and abstract.)

  • Glover, J. (1977) Causing Death and Saving Lives, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

    (Comprehensive and wide-ranging discussion from a utilitarian standpoint of issues in medical ethics.)

  • Glover, J. (1989) Fertility and the Family: The Glover Report on Reproductive Technologies to the European Commission, London: Fourth Estate Ltd.

    (A cooperative international report for the European Commission.)

  • Grotius (1625) De iure belli ac pacis, trans. F. Kelsey, The Law of War and Peace, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1925.

    (Sets out the conditions for the conduct of a just war, and reasons which would justify going to war.)

  • Hare, R.M. (1981) Moral Thinking, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (Important statement of a distinctive philosophical approach to practical ethics: universal prescriptivism.)

  • Hursthouse, R. (1987) Beginning Lives, Oxford: Blackwell.

    (A discussion of the ethical aspects of abortion.)

  • Kant, I. (1785) Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, trans. H.J. Paton, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (originally The Moral Law), London: Hutchinson, 1948; repr. New York: Harper & Row, 1964.

    (Provides the fundamentals of Kant’s moral theory according to which actions have moral worth if they are done from the motive of duty and fit with the principle of universalizability.)

  • Kant, I. (1797) ‘On a Supposed Right to Lie from Altruistic Motives’, in The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, trans. L.W. Beck, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 346–9.

    (Argues, contrary to the usual opinion, that it is never right to tell a lie, even to achieve some good.)

  • Locke, J. (1689) A Letter concerning Toleration, ed. J.W. Gough and R. Kilbansky, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968.

    (Discusses political authority and its limits, and sets out the fundamental rights of individuals.)

  • Midgley, M. (1978) Beast and Man, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

    (Philosophical discussion of issues in sociobiology.)

  • Mill, J.S. (1859) On Liberty, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

    (Classic defence of liberty and toleration; includes practical examples of the way on which these principles are to be applied.)

  • O’ Neill, O. (1986) Faces of Hunger, London: Allen & Unwin.

    (Kantian approach to the issues of famine and Third World poverty.)

  • Passmore, J. (1974) Man’s Responsibility for Nature: ecological problems and Western traditiions, London: Duckworth; 2nd edn, 1980.

    (Comprehensive discussion by a leading Australian philosopher of ethical issues concerned with the environment.)

  • Rachels, J. (1971) Moral Problems, New York: Harper & Row; 3rd edn, 1979.

    (Usefully representative collection of articles on applied ethics, including discussion of racism, discrimination, obligations to poorer countries.)

  • Rachels, J. (1986) The End of Life: Euthanasia and Morality, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

    (Discusses ethical issues concerning the end of life and the issue of euthanasia.)

  • Rawls, J. (1971) A Theory of Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (Seminal work which initiated a new era of practical philosophy; aims to establish universal principles for social living on rational grounds.)

  • Singer, P. (1975) Animal Liberation, New York: New York Review of Books Press; repr. London: Jonathan Cape, and New York: Random House, 1990.

    (Presents Singer’s arguments for ethical treatment of animals as contrasted with current practise in food production and laboratory research.)

  • Singer, P. (1979) Practical Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2nd edn, 1993.

    (Utilitarian perspective on applied ethics; includes reading guides and bibliographies on specific topics.)

  • Singer, P. (1986) Applied Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (Classic articles, including Hume on suicide and Mill on the death penalty.)

  • Suárez, F. (1612–21) ‘Selections from Three Works of Francisco Suárez, S.J.’, trans. G.L. Williams , in J.B. Scott (ed.) Classics of International Law 20, vol. 2, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1944.

    (Discusses the nature of law, largely following Aquinas, and also the concept of obligation.)

  • Walzer, M. (1977) Just and Unjust Wars, New York: Basic Books.

    (An examination of arguments concerning war and morality.)

  • Warnock, M. (1985) A Question of Life: The Warnock Report on Fertilisation and Embryology, Oxford: Blackwell.

    (Based on a report on the ethics and law of reproductive medicine prepared for the British government, with recommendations for policy.)

  • Williams, B. (1979) Report of the Committee on Obscenity and Film Censorship (‘The Williams Report’) Cmnd 7772, London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; abridged version repr. as B. Williams (ed.) Obscenity and Film Censorship,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

    (A report prepared for the British government advising on the issue of censorship and the law.)

  • Ethics (1890–)

    (A journal which publishes articles in all areas of ethics.)

  • Philosophy (1925–) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (A journal which publishes articles in all areas of philosophy, usually of a non-technical area.)

  • Social Theory and Practice (1970–)

    (An interdisciplinary journal of social philosophy.)

  • Philosophy and Public Affairs (1971–)

    (A journal dedicated to the philosophical study of issues of public concern, including legal, social and political problems.)

  • Journal of Applied Philosophy (1984–)

    (A journal contributing to discussion of ethical and philosophical issues in many areas of practical debate.)

  • Public Affairs Quarterly (1987–)

    (A journal of philosophical studies of public policy issues.)

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Almond, Brenda. Bibliography. Applied ethics, 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-L005-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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