
Environmental aesthetics

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-M047-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 1998
Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

References and further reading

  • Berleant, A. (1992) The Aesthetics of Environment, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

    (An elaboration of the engagement approach discussed in §5 of this entry.)

  • Berleant, A. (2002) Environment and the Arts: Perspectives on Environmental Aesthetics, London: Ashgate Publishers.

    (A collection of thirteen articles by some of the main philosophical contributors to the field.)

  • Berleant, A. and Carlson, A. (1998) Environmental Aesthetics, special issue of Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (2).

    (Contains ten original articles discussing both natural and human environments.)

  • Bourassa, S.C. (1991) The Aesthetics of Landscape, London: Belhaven.

    (An overview of and contribution to the empirical research discussed in §3 of this entry, together with a very good general bibliography.)

  • Carlson, A. (2000) Aesthetics and the Environment: The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture, London: Routledge.

    (A set of studies in the cognitive approach discussed in §6 of this entry.)

  • Carlson, A. (2001) ‘Environmental Aesthetics’, in B. Gaut and D. Lopes (eds), Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, London: Routledge, 423–36.

    (Presents an overview of the field together with a selected bibliography.)

  • Kemal, S. and Gaskell, I. (1993) Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (A collection of twelve original articles by individuals primarily from humanities disciplines.)

  • Light, A. and Smith, J.M. (2001) The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, New York: Seven Bridges Press.

    (A collection of twelve article presenting environmental aesthetics as the aesthetics of everyday life.)

  • Nasar, J.L. (1988) Environmental Aesthetics: Theory, Research, and Applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (A collection of thirty-two articles of differing lengths and technical detail, mainly by individuals involved in the empirical research discussed in §3 of this entry, together with an excellent bibliography of empirical work.)

  • Sepanmaa, Y. (1997) Real World Design: The Foundations and Practice of Environmental Aesthetics, Helsinki: University of Helsinki.

    (A collection of twenty-two short pieces presented at the Thirteenth International Congress of Aesthetics in 1995 by individuals representing a number of different countries, approaches, and philosophical traditions.)

Citing this article:
Carlson, Allen. Bibliography. Environmental aesthetics, 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-M047-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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