DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-DC037-1
Version: v1,  Published online: 1998
Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

List of works

For reasons of space, some of the works cited in the text are not given in the bibliography below, but are cited in the respective biographical entries of the particular author.

Primary literature

  • Stern, R. (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, London: Routledge, 4 vols.

    (The first two volumes contain a selection of the main writings in Hegel’s nineteenth- and twentieth-century reception.)


  • Adorno, T.W. (1963) Drei Studien zu Hegel, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp; trans. S.W. Nicholsen and J.J. Shapiro, Hegel: Three Studies, Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press, 1993.

    (Adorno’s most explicit critique and appropriation of Hegel.)

  • Adorno, T.W. (1966) Negative Dialektik, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp; trans. E.B. Ashton, Negative Dialectics, London: Routledge, 1973.

    (Adorno’s major engagement with Kant, Hegel and Heidegger, informed throughout by his transformation of ‘speculative’ Hegelian concepts into a critical and ‘negative’ dialectic.)

  • Adorno, T.W. (1970) Ästhetische Theory, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp; trans. C. Lenhardt, Aesthetic Theory, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984.

  • Apel, K.-O. (1973) Transformation der Philosophie, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp; trans. G. Adey and D. Frisby, Towards a Transformation of Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1980.

    (Extensive essay collection presenting Apel’s attempt to mediate the extremes in contemporary philosophy by recourse to the hermeneutic and pragmatic traditions.)

  • Bauer, B. (1841) Die Posaune des jüngsten Gerichts über Hegel den Atheisten und Antichristen, Leipzig: Otto Wiegand; repr. Aalen: Scientia, 1969; trans. L.S. Stepelevich, The Trumpet of the Last Judgement Against Hegel the Atheist and Antichrist. An Ultimatum, Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989.

    (Argues for the incompatibility of Hegelian philosophy with traditional Christian belief.)

  • Baur, F.C. (1835) Die christliche Gnosis oder die christliche Religionsphilosophie in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung (Christian Gnosis, or the Christian Philosophy of Religion in its Historical Development), Tübingen: Osiander.

    (Traces the evolution of the Gnostic theological tradition up to and including Hegel and German Idealism.)

  • Biedermann, A.E. (1849) Unsere junghegelianishe Weltanschauung oder der sogennante neueste Pantheismus (Our Young Hegelian Worldview, or the so-called latest Pantheism), Zurich: F. Schultheiss.

    (A critical response to a theological polemic directed against the ‘Tübingen School’ and Hegel’s influence.)

  • Biedermann, A.E. (1868) Christliche Dogmatik (Christian Dogmatics), Berlin: Georg Reimer; 2nd edn, 1884–5.

    (A late example of a broadly Hegelian and reconstructive exposition of traditional doctrines which questions the ‘personality’ of God.)

  • Cieszkowski, A. von (1838) Prolegomena zur Historiosophie (Prolegomena to The Wisdom of History), Berlin: Viet.

    (Cieszkowski’s major study, revising Hegel’s philosophy of history.)

  • Daub, K. (1833) Die dogmatische Theologie (The Dogmatic Theology of Our Times), Heidelberg: J.B. Mohr.

    (A standard and cautious early Hegelian interpretation of traditional theological topics.)

  • Dilthey, W. (1905) Die Jugendgeschichte Hegels (The Young Hegel), Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussiche Akademie der Wissenchaften; repr. Wilhelm Diltheys gesammelte Schriften, vol. 4, Leipzig and Berlin: D.G. Teubner, 1921.

    (Led to an important reassessment of Hegel’s early writings.)

  • Engels, F. (1886) Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, in Die neue Zeit; trans. Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, in K. Marx and F. Engels, Selected Works in One Volume, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1968, 596–632.

    (Traces the development from Hegel to dialectical materialism.)

  • Erdmann, J.E. (1834–53) Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der Geschichte der neueren Philosophie (Attempt at a Scientific Presentation of the History of Modern Philosophy), Leipzig: Riga & Dorpat, 6 vols.

    (One of the most comprehensive and magisterial Hegelian accounts of philosophy from Descartes to Hegel. Very incisively written.)

  • Erdmann, J.E. (1841) Grundriß der Logik und Metaphysik (Outline of Logic and Metaphysics), Halle: J.H. Lippert; 5th edn, 1875.

    (Succinct and careful restatement of the essential categories of Hegel’s Logic.)

  • Erdmann, J.E. (1865–7) Grundriß der Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin: Wilhelm Hertz, 2 vols; 4th edn, 1895–6; trans. W.S. Hough, A History of Philosophy, London: Swan Sonnenschein, 3 vols, 1890.

    (Influential classic history of philosophy, thoroughly and carefully written from a Right Hegelian perspective.)

  • Feuerbach, L. (1839) ‘Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Philosophie’, in Sämtliche Werke, Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1846–, vol. 2, 185–232; trans. Z. Hanfi, ‘Towards a Critique of Hegelian Philosophy’, in Z. Hanfi (ed.) The Fiery Brook: Selected Writings of Ludwig Feuerbach, New York: Anchor Books, 1972; also in L.S. Stepelevich (1983) and R. Stern (1993), I: 100–130.

    (This work established Feuerbach’s position as a spokesman for the Hegelian Left.)

  • Feuerbach, L. (1841) Das Wesen des Christentums, in Sämtliche Werke, Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1846–, vol. 7; trans. M.A. Evans (George Eliot), The Essence of Christianity, 1854; new edn, New York: Harper & Row, 1957.

    (Feuerbach’s most famous work, in which he puts forward most clearly the Left Hegelian critique of religion and metaphysics.)

  • Feuerbach, L. (1842) Vorläufige Thesen zur Reformation der Philosophie (Provisional Theses Towards the Reform of Philosophy), in Sämtliche Werke, Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1846–, vol. 2, 244–288.

    (Develops Feuerbach’s humanistic materialism.)

  • Feuerbach, L. (1843) Grundsätze der Philosophie der Zukunft, in Sämtliche Werke, Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1846–, vol. 2, 269–346; trans. M.H. Vogel, Principles of the Philosophy of the Future, Indianapolis, IN, and New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966.

    (Develops Feuerbach’s materialist and humanistic critique of Hegel.)

  • Fischer, K. (1852) System der Logik und Metaphysik oder Wissenschaftslehre (System of Logic and Metaphysics or Doctrine of Science), Stuttgart: C.P. Scheitlin; 3rd edn, 1909.

    (Lucid and brief exposition of Hegel’s logical doctrines.)

  • Fischer, K. (1852–77; 1897–1904) Geschichte der neueren Philosophie (History of Modern Philosophy), 10 vols in 11, Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung.

    (A classic, massively detailed history of philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer, with the concluding two-volume monograph on Hegel.)

  • Gabler, G.A. (1827) Kritik des Bewußtseins (Critique of Consciousness), Leiden: A.H. Adriani; 2nd edn, 1901.

    (One of the very few early examinations of Hegel’s Phenomenology, written by Hegel’s follower and successor in Berlin.)

  • Gadamer, H.-G. (1960) Wahrheit und Methode, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr; trans. W. Glen-Doepel, Truth and Method, London: Sheed & Ward, 1979.

    (Gadamer’s hermeneutic reappropriation of Hegel’s concept of experience from a Heideggerian perspective.)

  • Gadamer, H.-G. (1971) Hegels Dialektik: Fünf hermeneutische Studien, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr; trans. P. Christopher Smith, Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 1976.

    (Perceptive examination of key themes in Hegel in relation to the classical tradition and Heidegger.)

  • Gans, E. (1824–35) Das Erbrecht in weltgeschichtlicher Entwicklung (The Law of Inheritance Considered in its World-Historical Development), vols 1 and 2, Berlin: Maurische Buchhandlung; vols 3 and 4, Stuttgart and Tübingen: Cotta.

    (The major Hegelian contribution to the history of law, written in conscious opposition to the ‘Historical School’.)

  • Glockner, H. (1929–40) Hegel, Stuttgart: Frommann, 2 vols.

    (Typical expression of vitalist neo-Hegelianism, emphasizing the cultural concreteness and historical richness of Hegelian thought.)

  • Glockner, H. (1931) ‘Hegelrenaissance und Neuhegelianismus’ (The Hegel Renaissance and Neo-Hegelianism), Logos 20; repr. with other contributions in Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 2, Bonn: Bouvier.

    (A historical account of the early twentieth-century Hegel revival in Germany by one of the leading participants.)

  • Habermas, J. (1968) Erkenntnis und Interesse, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp; trans. J.J. Shapiro, Knowledge and Human Interest, Oxford: Polity Press, 1987.

    (Part 1 contrasts Hegel’s critique of knowledge with that of Kant and Marx.)

  • Habermas, J. (1971) Theorie und Praxis, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 4th edn; trans. J. Viertel, Theory and Practice, Oxford: Polity Press, 1973.

    (Contains several influential essays on Hegel.)

  • Habermas, J. (1985) Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne, Frankfurt: Surhkamp; trans. F. Lawrence, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.

    (Traces the critique of modernity as it developed after Hegel.)

  • Haering, T. (1929–38) Hegel. Sein Wollen und sein Werk (Hegel: His Life and his Works), Leipzig and Berlin, 2 vols; repr. Aalen: Scientia, 1979.

    (Enormous genetic study of Hegel’s thought from 1790–1807, stressing Hegel’s practical and political concerns. Typical of the organic ‘communitarian’ interpretation of conservative neo-Hegelianism.)

  • Hartmann, N. (1923, 1929) Die Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus (The Philosophy of German Idealism), Berlin and Leipzig, 2 vols; 3rd edn, repr. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1974.

    (An important ontological and ‘realist’ reading of Hegel, emphasizing his systematic ambitions and debt to the classical tradition.)

  • Haym, R. (1857) Hegel und seine Zeit (Hegel and his Times), Berlin: Rudolph Gaertner.

    (Contains an influential attack on Hegel as an apologist for the Prussian Restoration.)

  • Henning, L. von (1824) Prinzipien der Ethik in historischer Entwicklung (Principles of Ethics in Historical Development), Berlin: Friedrich August Herbig.

    (A lucid brief outline of the history of ethics, dedicated to Hegel.)

  • Hess, M. (1837) Die heilige Geschichte der Menschheit (The Sacred History of Humanity), Stuttgart: Hallberg’sche Verlagshandlung.

    (Important document of the transformation of Hegel’s philosophy of history as a secularized eschatology.)

  • Jüngel, E. (1977) Gott als Geheimnis der Welt, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, trans. D.L. Guder, God as the Mystery of the World, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1983.

    (A magisterial contribution to philosophical theology, influenced by Barth and Heidegger, which engages seriously and productively with Hegel and the Left Hegelian tradition.)

  • Korsch, K. (1930) Marxismus und Philosophie, Leipzig: C.L.Hirschfeld, trans. F. Halliday, Marxism and Philosophy, London: New Left Books, 1970.

    (This work reopened the question of Marx’s debt to Hegelian idealism.)

  • Kroner, R. (1921–4) Von Kant bis Hegel (From Kant to Hegel), Tübingen: Mohr Verlag, 2 vols; 3rd edn, repr. 1977.

    (The most substantial single product of neo-Hegelianism, interpreting Hegel as the fitting culmination of the entire tradition of classical and idealist thought from a Christian perspective.)

  • Lasson, G. (1916) Was heißt Hegelianismus? (What is Hegelianism?), Berlin: Reuther & Reichard.

    (An uncritical and enthusiastic neo-Hegelian manifesto from a rather nationalistic perspective.)

  • Litt, T. (1948) Denken und Sein (Thought and Being), Zurich: S. Hirzel.

    (Attempts to apply reformed Hegelian categories to central metaphysical and epistemological questions.)

  • Litt, T. (1948) Mensch und Welt (Man and World), Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1961.

    (A quasi-Hegelian reinterpretation of philosophical anthropology, strongly influenced by Dilthey.)

  • Litt, T. (1953) Hegel, Heidelberg: Quelle and Meyer.

    (An appreciative assessment and reconstruction of Hegel, but critical of allegedly panlogistic and totalizing elements.)

  • Lüwith, K. (1962) Die Hegelsche Linke (The Hegelian Left), Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.

    (Selected texts by members of the Left Hegelian school.)

  • Lübbe, H. (1962) Die Hegelsche Rechte (The Hegelian Right), Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.

    (Selected texts by members of the Right Hegelian school.)

  • Lukács, G. (1923) Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein, Berlin: Der Malik-Verlag; repr. in Werke, Berlin: Luchterhand, vol. 2, 1968; trans. R. Livingstone, History and Class Consciousness, London: Merlin, 1971.

    (Enormously influential statement of the Hegelian dimension of Marxian thought which broke with the prevailing mechanistic and deterministic approach.)

  • Lukács, G. (1948) Der junge Hegel, Zurich: Europa, 2 vols; trans. R. Livingstone, The Young Hegel, London: Merlin, 1975.

    (Classical Marxist account of Hegel’s development, implicitly written to correct vulgar Marxist readings of the idealist background.)

  • Lukács, G. (1963) Ästhetik (Aesthetics), Berlin: Luchterhand; repr. in Werke, Berlin: Luchterhand, 1968, vols 11–12.

    (The most sustained example of a Marxian appropriation of classical German Idealist aesthetics and the concept of ‘mimesis’.)

  • Lukács, G. (1971–2) Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins, Neuwied and Berlin: Luchterhand; trans. D. Fernbach, The Ontology of Social Being, London: Merlin, 1978–80, 3 vols.

    (Part of a projected larger work that was to present a systematic materialist version of the Hegelian legacy.)

  • Marcuse, H. (1932) Hegels Ontologie, Frankfurt: Klostermann; 3rd edn, repr. 1975; trans. S. Benhabib, Hegel’s Ontology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.

    (An interesting dynamic and ontological interpretation of Hegel’s Logic in the light of the Phenomenology and the earlier writings.)

  • Marcuse, H. (1941) Reason and Revolution, London: Oxford University Press.

    (Emphasizes the fundamental continuity between Hegel and Marx and offers a qualified defence of Hegel’s political philosophy against its liberal critics.)

  • Marheinecke, P.K. (1819) Die Grundlehren der christlichen Dogmatik als Wissenschaft (The Fundamental Doctrines of Christian Dogmatics as Science), Berlin: F. Dummler; 2nd edn, Duncker & Humblot, 1827.

    (One of the first thoroughgoing applications of Hegel’s thought to Christian theology as a whole.)

  • Marx, K. (1843) ‘Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie’, Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, issues 1 and 2; trans. R. Livingstone and G. Benton, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, in L. Colletti (ed.) Early Writings, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975, 57–198.

    (Offers a fundamental critique of Hegel from a Left Hegelian perspective.)

  • Marx, K. (1975) Early Writings, trans. R. Livingstone and G. Benton, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

    (A useful paperback edition, which contains Marx’s posthumously published ‘Critique of Hegel’s Doctrine of the State’ and ‘Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts’ and his (1844), as ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right’.)

  • Michelet, K.L. (1837–8) Geschichte der letzten Systeme der Philosophie in Deutschland von Kant bis Hegel (History of the Most Recent Systems of Philosophy in Germany from Kant to Hegel), Berlin: Dunker and Humblot, 2 vols.

    (A lucid history of German idealism by a representative of the liberal Hegelian ‘centre’.)

  • Moltmann, J. (1965) Theologie der Hoffnung, Munich: Kaiser; trans. J.W. Leitch, Theology of Hope, London: SCM Press, 1967.

    (Indicative of reaction against existentialist dialectics and a renewed theological interest in the social dimension of the German Idealist tradition.)

  • Moltmann, J. (1972) Der gekreuzigte Gott, Munich: Chr Kaiser; trans. R.A. Wilson and J. Bowden, The Crucified God, London: SCM Press, 1974.

    (Approach to a liberation theology of the cross influenced by Marxist-Christian dialogue.)

  • Pannenberg, W. (1967) Grundfragen systematischer Theologie (Fundamental Questions of Systematic Theology), Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.

    (Draws on Hegel and idealist thought to articulate a rational philosophical theology and defend the concept of progressive historical revelation.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1837) Psychologie, oder die Wissenschaft vom subjektiven Geistes (Psychology, or the Science of Subjective Spirit), Königsberg: Bornträger.

    (A succinct outline of the Hegelian philosophy of mind.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1840a) Kritische Erläuterungen des Hegelschen Systems (Critical Exposition of the Hegelian System), Königsberg: Bornträger.

    (Interesting collection of sympathetic essays on various aspects of Hegel, reflecting many of the debates within the school in the 1830–40 period.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1840b) Geschichte der Kantischen Philosophie (History of Kantian Philosophy), Leipzig: Leopold Voss; repr. in J.K.F. Rosenkranz and F.W. Schubert (eds) Immanuel Kants sämmtliche Werke, vol. 12.

    (A supplement to Rosenkranz’s edition of Kant’s works indicating the ‘completion’ of Critical Philosophy in Hegelian idealism.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1844) Hegels Leben (Hegel’s Life), Berlin; repr. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988.

    (Rosenkranz’s official biography of Hegel.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1858–9) Wissenschaft der logischen Idee (Science of the Logical Idea), Köningsberg: Borntrager, 2 vols; repr. Osnabruck: Zeller, 1972.

    (A major critical reworking of Hegel’s Logic.)

  • Rosenkranz, J.K.F. (1870) Hegel als deutscher Nationalphilosoph (Hegel as German National Philosopher), Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot; extracts translated in Stern (ed.) 1993, vol. 1, 256–297.

    (A contemporary study of Hegel’s thought and influence.)

  • Ruge, A. (1842) ‘Hegels Rechtsphilosophie und die Politik unserer Zeit’, Deutscher Jahrbücher 189, 190; trans. J.A. Massey, ‘Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and the Politics of Our Times’, in L.S. Stepelevich (ed.), The Young Hegelians, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 211–236.

    (Offers a critique of Hegel from a Young Hegelian standpoint.)

  • Schelling, F.W.J. (1833–4) Zur Geschichte der neueren Philosophie, in Sämtliche Werke, ed K.F.A. Schelling, 14 vols, Stuttgart: Cotta, 1856–91, vol. 10: 1–200; trans. A. Bowie, On the History of Modern Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

    (Contains the text of Schelling’s important critical lectures on Hegel given in Munich and later in Berlin, from the perspective of Schelling’s own ‘positive philosophy’.)

  • Stepelevich, L.S. (1983) The Young Hegelians, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (An anthology of writings by Strauss, Cieszkowski, Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer, Ruge, Edgar Bauer, Engels, Marx, Stirner, Hess and Schmidt.)

  • Stirner, M. (1845) Der Einzige und sein Eigentum, Leipzig: Otto Wigand; 2nd edn, 1882; trans. D. Leopold, The Ego and Its Own, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

    (Takes Hegel’s concept of the modern subject to an individualist extreme.)

  • Strauss, D.F. (1835–6) Das Leben Jesu, kritisch bearbeitet, Tübingen: Osiander; trans. M.A. Evans (George Eliot), The Life of Jesus, London: Chapman Brothers, 1846; repr. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1972.

    (A seminal work of nineteenth-theology which undermined traditional conceptions of scripture and profoundly influenced theological ‘modernism’.)

  • Strauss, D.F. (1837–8) Streitschriften zur Verteidigung meiner Schrift (Polemical Writings in Defence of My Work), Tübingen: Osiander.

    (Spirited defence of the Life of Jesus which gives a good sense of the theological polemics of the period.)

  • Theunissen, M. (1970) Hegels Lehre vom absoluten Geist als theologisch-politischer Traktat (Hegel’s Doctrine of Absolute Spirit as Theological-Political Treatise), Berlin: de Gruyter.

    (Major sympathetic exposition of Hegel’s religious philosophy which attempts to undercut standard Left and Right interpretations.)

  • Theunissen, M. (1980) Sein und Schein (Being and Appearance), Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

    (Pursues an ‘intersubjective’ approach to the claims of Hegel’s Logic as a potential theory of communicative freedom.)

  • Trendelenburg, F.A. (1840) Logische Untersuchungen (Logical Investigations), Leipzig: S. Hirzel; 2nd edn, 1862.

    (An influential critique of Hegel’s Logic.)

  • Trendelenburg, F.A. (1843) Die logische Frage in Hegels System (The Logical Question in Hegel’s System), Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus.

    (Further develops his critique of Hegel’s Logic.)

  • Vatke, W. (1835) Die Religion des alten Testaments (The Religion of the Old Testament), Berlin: G. Bethge.

    (Important early treatment of the then-neglected area of Judaism from a Hegelian perspective.)

  • Vatke, W. (1841) Die menschliche Freiheit in ihrem Verhältniss zur Sünde und zur göttlichen Gnade (Human Freedom in its Relation to Sin and Divine Forgiveness), Berlin: Bethge.

    (Applies Hegel’s philosophy of spirit to elucidate classical theological questions concerning guilt and forgiveness.)

  • Vischer, F.T. (1837) Über das Erhabene und Komische (On the Sublime and the Comic), ed. W. Oelmüller, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1967.

    (Reprinted with other essays, this essay gives a thoroughly humanistic Left-Hegelian approach to an area rather neglected by Hegel.)

  • Vischer, F.T. (1846–54) Ästhetik oder Wissenschaft des Schönen (Aesthetics or the Science of Beauty), Reutlingen & Leipzig: Carl Mäckens, 6 vols.

    (The largest Hegelian contribution to aesthetics which supplements Hegel by examining the question of natural beauty and the psychology of imagination.)

  • Windelband, W. (1910) ‘Die Erneuerung der Hegelianismus’ (The renewal of Hegelianism), Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1 (10);repr. in W. Windelband, Präludien, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 6th edn, 1919, 273–289.

    (An important expression of the German resurgence of interest in Hegel at the beginning of the twentieth century.)

  • Zeller, E. (1844–52) Die Philosophie der Griechen (Philosophy of the Greeks), 3 vols in 2, Tübingen: Friedrich Fues.

    (Very influential standard history of ancient philosophy from a Hegelian perspective which was widely studied and translated.)


  • Althusser, L. (1970) ‘Sur le Rapport de Marx à Hegel’, in J. D’Hondt (ed.) Hegel et la pensée moderne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France; trans. B. Brewster, ‘Marx’s Relation to Hegel’, in Politics and History, London and New York: Verso, New Left Books, 1972; repr. in Stern (ed.) (1993) vol. 2, 511–528.

    (Argues that Marx understood Hegel’s dialectic in terms of process.)

  • Bataille, G. (1955) ‘Hegel, le mort et le sacrifice’ (Hegel, Death and Sacrifice), Deucalion 5: 21–43; trans. J. Strauss, in A. Stoekl (ed.) On Bataille, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1990.

    (A response to Kojève’s reading of Hegel.)

  • Bertholet, R. (1907) ‘Thèse: Sur la nécessité, la finalité et la liberté chez Hegel’(Thesis: On Necessity, Finality and Liberty in Hegel), Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 115–140; repr. in R. Bertholet, Evolutionisme et platonisme, Paris: Alcan, 1908.

    (Defends Hegel against the accusation of absolute determinism, integral optimism and panlogicism, and discusses Hegel’s influence on Marx.)

  • Cousin, V. (1828–9) Cours de l’histoire de la philosophie (Lecture on the History of Philosophy), Paris: Pichon & Didier, 3 vols.

    (The text of Cousin’s lectures given in the academic year 1828–9, which drew heavily on Hegelian ideas.)

  • Derrida, J. (1967) ‘De l’économie restreinte à l’économie générale: un hégélianisme sans réserve’ (From Restricted to General Economy: A Hegelianism Without Reserve), in L’Écriture et la différance, Paris: Éditions du Seuil; trans. A. Bass, Writing and Difference, London: Routledge, 1978, 251–277.

    (Examines Georges Bataille’s response to Kojève’s reading of Hegel.)

  • Derrida, J. (1972) ‘Le puits et la pyramide: Introduction à la sémiologie de Hegel’ (The Pit and the Pyramid: Introduction to Hegel’s Semiology), in Marges de la philosophie, Paris: Minuit, 79–127; trans. A. Bass, Margins of Philosophy, Brighton: Harvester, 1982.

    (Discusses Hegel’s theory of signs.)

  • Derrida, J. (1974) Glas, Paris: Éditions Galilée; trans. J.P. Leavey, Jr and R. Rand, Glas, Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1986.

    (Complex and ambitious reading of various Hegel texts.)

  • Herr, L. (1894) ‘Hegel’, La Grande Encyclopédie 19: 997–1003; repr. in L. Herr, Choix d’Écrits, Paris: Les Éditions Ridier, 1932, vol. 2, 109–140.

    (Contains a lengthy summary of the Hegelian system, which revived interest in his philosophy in this period.)

  • Hyppolite, J. (1946) Genèse et structure de la Phénoménologie de l’esprit de Hegel, Paris: Aubier, 2 vols; trans. S. Cherniak and J. Heckman, Genesis and Structure of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1974.

    (Hyppolite’s magisterial and influential commentary.)

  • Hyppolite, J. (1948) Introduction à la philosophie de l’histoire de Hegel (Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy of History), Paris: Rivère; Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1983.

    (A collection of short studies stressing the relation between the early and later Hegel.)

  • Hyppolite, J. (1953) Logique et existence, essai sur la Logique de Hegel (Logic and Existence: Essays on Hegel’s Logic), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

    (Explores the contested issue of the relation of Hegel’s Logic to the ‘existential’ dimension of the Phenomenology.)

  • Hyppolite, J. (1955) Études sur Marx et Hegel, Paris: Rivière; trans. J.O. Neill, Studies on Marx and Hegel, London: Heinemann, 1969.

    (Stresses the place of Hegelian themes in Marx’s early writings.)

  • Hyppolite, J. (1971) Figures de la Pensée Philosophiques, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2 vols.

    (Contains all of Hyppolite’s articles on Hegel.)

  • Kojève, A. (1946) ‘Hegel, Marx et le christianisme’, Critique 1: 339–366; trans. H. Gildin, ‘Hegel, Marx and Christianity’, Interpretation (1970) 1: 21–42; repr. in Stern (ed.), vol. 2: 359–382.

    (Argues for what he describes as an atheistic reading of Hegel.)

  • Kojève, A. (1947) Introduction à la lecture de Hegel, Paris: Gallimard; partially trans. J.H. Nichols in A. Bloom (ed.) Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 1969.

    (Text of Kojève’s influential lectures at l’École des Hautes-Études from 1933 to 1939.)

  • Koyré, A. (1970) Etudes d’histoire de la pensée philosophique (Historical Studies of Philosophical Thought), Paris: Gallimard.

    (Contains the three most important essays by Koyré on Hegel: ‘Note sur la langue et la terminologie hégélienne’ (‘Note on Hegelian Language and Terminology’) (1931) ‘Rapport sur l’état des études hégéliennes en France’ (‘Report on the State of Hegelian Studies in France’) (1931) and ‘Hegel à Iéna’ (‘Hegel in Jena’) (1934).)

  • Levinas, E. (1961) Totalité et Infini, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff; trans. A. Lingis, Totality and Infinity, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969.

    (An ethical critique of the alleged totalizing ambitions of the metaphysical tradition in general and Hegel in particular.)

  • Merleau-Ponty, M. (1946) ‘L’existentialisme chez Hegel’ (Existentialism in Hegel), Les Temps modernes 1: 1311–1319; repr. in M. Merleau-Ponty, Sens et non-sens, Paris: Nagel, 1948; trans. H.L. Dreyfus and P.A. Dreyfus, Sense and Non-Sense, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1964, 63–70.

    (Discusses the existentialist themes in Hegel’s thought.)

  • Nöel, G. (1897) La Logique de Hegel (Hegel’s Logic), Paris: Alcan; repr. Paris: Vrin, 1933, 1938 and 1967.

    (A careful and sympathetic analysis of Hegel’s Logic, which first appeared in instalments in the Revue de métaphysique et de morale from 1894 to 1896.)

  • Renan, E. (1876) Dialogues et fragments philosophiques (Dialogues and Philosophical Fragments), Paris: Calman Lévy.

    (Written between 1860 and 1871, Renan here attempts to combine Comtean positivism with religion, via an evolutionary reading of Hegel.)

  • Scherer, E. (1861) ‘Hegel et l’hégélianisme’ (Hegel and Hegelianism), Revue des deux mondes 31: 812–856.

    (Gives a reasonably sympathetic overview of the attitude to Hegel in this period.)

  • Sartre, J-P. (1943) L’Être et le néant, Paris: Gallimard; trans. H.E. Barnes, Being and Nothingness, London: Methuen, 1958.

    (Follows Kojève’s reading of the master–slave dialectic in his account of being-for-others.)

  • Taine, H.-A. (1857) Les Philosophes français du XIXe siècle (Nineteenth-Century French Philosophy), Paris: Hachette; 3rd edn, 1868, under the title Les Philosophes classiques du XIXe siècle en France, Paris: Hachette.

    (Clearly expresses Taine’s admiration for Hegel.)

  • Vera, A. (1855) Introduction à la philosophie de Hegel (Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy), Paris: A. Franck.

    (A popular introduction to Hegel’s thought.)

  • Vera, A. (1864) Essais de philosophie hégélienne (Essays on Hegelian Philosophy), Paris: G. Ballère.

    (The three essays are ‘La peine de mort’, ‘Amour et philosophie’, and ‘Introduction à la philosophie d’histoire’.)

  • Wahl, J. (1929) Le Malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel (The Unhappy Consciousness in the Hegel’s Philosophy), Paris: Rieder, 2nd edn, 1951; repr. New York and London: Garland, 1984; 119–147 trans. R. Northey in Stern (1993) vol. 2: 284–310.

    (An influential study, which treats Hegel’s notion of the Unhappy Consciousness as a key to the reading of his work.)

  • Wahl, J. (1938) Études kierkegaardiennes (Kierkegaardian Studies), Paris: Éditions Montaigne; 2nd edn, Paris: Vrin, 1949, 159–171.

    (A collection of articles, including ‘Hegel et Kierkegaard’ and ‘La lutte contre l’hégélianisme’.)

  • Weil, E. (1950a) Logique de la philosophie (Logic of Philosophy). Paris: Vrin.

    (A major systematic appropriation of Hegel’s thought as a comprehensive theory of categories.)

  • Weil, E. (1950b) Hegel et l’état (Hegel and the State)Paris: Vrin.

    (An important defence of Hegel’s political thought against accusations of conservatism.)

Northern Europe

  • Heiberg, J.L. (1824) Om den menneskelige Frihed (On Human Freedom), Kiel: Universitets Boghandlingen.

    (An early contribution by one of Hegel’s students to the theory of the will.)

  • Kierkegaard, S.A. (1846) Afsluttende uvidenskabelig Efterskrift, in A.B. Drachmann, J.L. Heiberg and H.O. Lange (eds) Samlede Vaerker, Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1962–4, vol. 7 of 20; trans. D.F. Swenson and W. Lowrie, Concluding Unscientific Postscript, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1941.

    (Contains Kierkegaard’s most developed critique of Hegel and Hegelianism.)

  • Martensen, H.L. (1850) Den Christlige Dogmatik, trans. W. Urwick Christian Dogmatics, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1866.

    (Martensen’s major work.)

  • Nielsen, R. (1864–6) Grundidéernes Logik (The Logic of Fundamental Ideas), Copenhagen.

    (An application of Hegel’s Logic.)


  • Croce, B. (1907) Ciò che è vivo e ciò cheè morto nella filosofia di Hegel, Bari: Laterza; repr. in Saggio Sullo Hegel, Bari: Laterza, 1913; trans. D. Ainslie, What is Living and What is Dead of the Philosophy of Hegel, London: Macmillan, 1915.

    (Croce’s influential critical study. Saggio Sullo Hegel also contains other studies in Hegel and German philosophy.)

  • Croce, B. (1902) Estetica, Bari: Laterza, 4th edn, 1912; Part 1 trans. C. Lyas, The Aesthetic as the Science of Pure Expression of the Linguistic in General, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

    (Draws on the German Idealist tradition, but emphasizes the formal autonomy of the art work.)

  • Croce, B. (1938) Storia come pensiero e azione, Bari: Laterza, 2nd edn; trans. S. Sprigge, History as the Story of Liberty, London: Allen & Unwin, 1941.

    (A liberal version of humanist historicism which de-theologizes the Hegelian idea of history, treating it as the progress of the consciousness of freedom.)

  • Gentile, G. (1913) La riforma della dialettica Hegeliana e B. Spaventa, Messina: Giuseppe Principato; 2nd edn, 1923; Part 1 trans. A.M. Armstrong, ‘The Reform of Hegelian Dialectic’, Idealistic Studies (1981) 11: 187–213.

    (Gentile’s attempt at a critical reconstruction of Hegel’s dialectical method as a ‘method of immanence’.)

  • Sanctis, F. de (1870–1) La storia della letteraria italiana, Naples: Domenico & Antonio Morano, 2 vols; trans. J. Redfern, History of Italian Literature, London: Oxford University Press, 2 vols, 1932.

    (Important document in the influence of Hegel’s ideas in Italy, strongly influenced by Hegel’s approach to aesthetics.)

  • Spaventa, B. (1869) Studi sull’etica hegeliana (Studies in Hegelian Ethics), Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Naples, vol. 4;repr. in Opere, ed. G. Gentile, Florence: Sansoni, 1972, vol. 1, 611–801.

    (An important and influential early study.)


  • Dewey, J. (1884) ‘Kant and Philosophic Method’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18: 162–174; repr. in Stern (1993) vol. 2, 151–161.

    (Presents a reading of Kant from a Hegelian perspective.)

  • Dewey, J. (1930) ‘From Absolutism to Experimentalism’, in G.P. Adams and W.P. Montague (eds) Contemporary American Philosophy, New York, 1930, vol. 2, 13–27; repr. in R.J. Bernstein (ed.) John Dewey, On Experience, Nature and Freedom, New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1960.

    (An autobiographical essay, in which Dewey expresses his attraction towards Hegelianism when a young man.)

  • Goetzmann, W. (1973) The American Hegelians: An Intellectual Episode in the History of Western America, New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

    (Contains excerpts from the major works of main nineteenth-century American Hegelians, including Brokmeyer, Harris and Stallo.)

  • Harris, W.T. (1890) Hegel’s Logic, A Book on the Genesis of the Categories of the Mind: A Critical Exposition, Chicago, IL: S.C. Griggs; New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1970.

    (The major work on Hegel by one of the most significant nineteenth-century Hegelians.)

  • James, W. (1882) ‘On Some Hegelisms’, Mind old series 7: 186–208.

    (An exuberant attack on Hegel’s metaphysics and method, as interpreted by James.)

  • James, W. (1909) A Pluralistic Universe, London: Longman, Green.

    (Contains James’s most sustained critique of Hegel’s thought.)

  • Peirce, C.S. (1868) ‘Nominalism versus Realism’ and ‘What is meant by determined’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2: 57–61, 190–191; repr. in Stern (1993) vol. 2: 140–150.

    (A critical exchange on Hegel with W.T. Harris.)

  • Peirce, C.S. (1903) Lectures on Pragmatism, in C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A.W. Burcks (ed.) Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, vol. 5 of 8, 1–131.

    (Peirce discusses his relation to Hegel in Lecture 1.)

  • Royce, J. (1892) Spirit of Modern Philosophy, Boston, MA, and New York: Houghton Mifflin. (Contains a vivid and sympathetic account of Hegel’s position.)

  • Royce, J. (1919) Lectures on Modern Idealism, ed J. Loewenberg, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

    (Text of Royce’s lectures of 1906.)


  • Bosanquet, B. (1888) Logic, or the Morphology of Knowledge, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Bosanquet’s main account of his idealist logic and metaphysics, with clear affinities to Hegel.)

  • Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State, London and New York: Macmillan; 4th edn, 1923.

    (Presents Bosanquet’s broadly Hegelian account of the State and its relation to the individual.)

  • Bosanquet, B. (1892) A History of Aesthetics, London: Macmillan; 2nd edn, 1904.

    (Contains chapter on Hegel.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1876) Ethical Studies, Oxford: Clarendon Press; 2nd edn, 1927.

    (Shows the impact of Hegel’s critique of Kant on Bradley’s ethical thinking.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1883) Principles of Logic, Oxford: Clarendon Press; 2nd edn, 1922.

    (Reveals Bradley’s equivocal relation to Hegel’s idealistic logic.)

  • Bradley, F.H. (1893) Appearance and Reality, Oxford: Clarendon Press; 2nd edn, 1897; ninth impression, corrected, 1930.

    (Bradley’s main work, which in some respects has affinities to Hegel’s metaphysics.)

  • Caird, E. (1883) Hegel, Edinburgh and London: Blackwood.

    (A short but well-respected study.)

  • Caird, E. (1892) Essays on Literature and Philosophy, Glasgow: James Maclehose, 2 vols.

    (Contains several essays with comments on Hegel, informed throughout by Hegelian ideas.)

  • Collingwood, R.G. (1924) Speculum Mentis, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (An attempt to write a phenomenology of forms of experience, influenced by the Italian neo-Hegelians.)

  • Collingwood, R.G. (1945) The Idea of Nature, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    (Contains an unusually sympathetic account of Hegel’s philosophy of nature.)

  • Collingwood, R.G. (1946) The Idea of History, Oxford: Clarendon Press; revised edn, ed. J. van Dussen, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.

    (Contains a sympathetic discussion of Hegel’s philosophy of history.)

  • McTaggart, J.M.E. (1896) Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2nd edn, 1922.

    (A detailed and sympathetic study of Hegel’s dialectical method and its place in his metaphysics.)

  • McTaggart, J.M.E. (1901) Studies in Hegelian Cosmology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2nd edn, 1918.

    (Contains a discussion of a range of issues, mostly concentrating on Hegel’s metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of religion.)

  • McTaggart, J.M.E. (1910) A Commentary on Hegel’s Logic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (A detailed commentary.)

  • Ritchie, D.G. (1890–1) ‘Darwin and Hegel’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1: 55–74; repr. in Stern (1993) vol. 2: 41–59.

    (Attempts to defend Hegel against Seth’s critique.)

  • Seth, A. (1887) Hegelianism and Personality, London: Blackwood.

    (Contains Seth’s most developed and influential critique of Hegel.)

  • Stirling, J.H. (1865) The Secret of Hegel, London: Longman, Roberts & Green, 2 vols; 2nd edn, Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1898; repr. Bristol: Thoemmes, 1990.

    (The first major study on Hegel to appear in Britain.)

  • Wallace, W. (1874) Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel’s Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    (Wide-ranging, sympathetic essays, trying to illuminate the background and content of Hegel’s Logic.)

Secondary literature

  • Bellamy, R. (1987) Modern Italian Social Theory, Cambridge: Polity Press.

    (Contains chapters on Labriola, Croce, Gentile and Gramsci, and traces the roots of their thought back to the native idealist tradition.)

  • Bowie, A. (1993) Schelling and Modern European Philosophy, London: Routledge.

    (Chapter 6 provides a clear account of Schelling’s critique of Hegel.)

  • Bradley, J. (1979) ‘Hegel in Britain: A Brief Survey of British Commentary and Attitudes’, Heythrop Journal 20: 1–24 and 163–182.

    (A useful survey of Hegel’s reception in Britain.)

  • Brazill, W.J. (1970) The Young Hegelians, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

    (Discusses the origins and development of the Young Hegelian school.)

  • Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth Century France, New York: Columbia University Press.

    (A specialized treatment of the impact of Hegel on twentieth century French thought.)

  • Cornehl, P. (1971) Die Zukunft der Versöhnung (The Future of Reconciliation), Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.

    (An outstanding study of the immediate theological reception of Hegel, focusing on the question of eschatology.)

  • Derbolav, J. (1969) ‘Über die gegenwärtigen Tendenzen der Hegelaneignung in Deutschland’ (On the Current Trends in Hegel Reception in Germany), Hegel-Studien 5: 267–291.

    (On the various forms of German Hegel reception since 1945.)

  • Descombes, V. (1980) Modern French Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (Traces the importance of Kojève’s Hegel reception and the eventual reaction to it for an entire generation of contemporary French thinkers.)

  • Easton, L. (1966) Hegel’s First American Followers: The Ohio Hegelians, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

    (A useful discussion of Stallo, Kaufman, Conway and Willich, with extracts from their works.)

  • Fisch, M.H. (1974) ‘Hegel and Peirce’, in J.J. O’Malley, K.W. Algozin and F.G. Weiss (eds) Hegel and the History of Philosophy, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 171–193.

    (Provides an account of Peirce’s view of Hegel.)

  • Flower, E. and Murphey, M.G. (1977) A History of Philosophy in America, New York: Capricorn and Putnam, 2 vols.

    (Chapter 8 gives a very useful account of the St Louis Hegelians.)

  • Gasché, R. (1986) The Tain of the Mirror. Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    (A philosophical presentation of Derrida’s thought against a Hegelian background.)

  • Glockner, H. (1965) Beiträge zum Verständnis und zur Kritik Hegels (Contributions towards the Understanding and Critique of Hegel), Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 2, Bonn: Bouvier.

    (Contains ‘Hegelrenaissance und Neuhegelianismus’ and other relevant essays on neo-Hegelianism.)

  • Hodgson, P.C. (1966) The Formation of Historical Theology: A Study of F.C. Baur, New York: Harper & Row.

    (On F.C. Baur.)

  • Jacobitti, E.E. (1981) Revolutionary Humanism and Historicism in Modern Italy, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

    (A useful account of Hegel’s influence in Italy, including details of his nineteenth-century reception.)

  • Jarvis, S. (1996) Adorno, Cambridge: Polity Press.

    (A comprehensive reading of Adorno which strongly emphasizes the Hegelian dimension.)

  • Jay, M. (1984) Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas, Cambridge: Polity Press.

    (Traces the legacy of the Hegelian emphasis upon totality in Western Marxism.)

  • Kelly, M. (1992) Hegel in France, Birmingham: Birmingham Modern Languages Publications.

    (A thorough survey of Hegel’s reception in France from 1800 to the present, with a useful bibliography.)

  • Kortian, G. (1980) Metacritique: The Philosophical Argument of Jürgen Habermas, Cambridge: Polity Press.

    (Chapter 2 discusses Habermas’s reception and engagement with Hegel.)

  • Löwith, K. (1941) From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in Nineteeth-Century Thought, trans. D.E. Green, London: Constable, 1965.

    (A classic study of the fate of the Hegelian system and the subsequent polarization of right and left interpretations.)

  • Mader, J. (1993) Philosophie in der Revolte: das Ende des Idealismus im 19 Jahrhundert (Philosophy in Revolt: The End of Idealism in the Nineteenth Century), Vienna: Universitätsverlag.

    (A recent account of the break-up of the Hegelian school in the nineteenth century.)

  • Muirhead, J.H. (1931) The Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy, London: Allen & Unwin, and New York: Macmillan.

    (A classic and still useful study of the development of British Idealism.)

  • Oelmüller, W. (1959) F.Th.Vischer und das Problem der nachhegelschen Ästhetik (Vischer and the Problem of Posthegelian Aesthetics), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    (Provides a discussion of Vischer and the post-Hegelian legacy in aesthetics.)

  • Oldrini, G. (1973) La cultura filosofica napoletana dell’ottocentro (The Neapolitan Culture of the Nineteenth Century), Bari: Laterza.

    (The main Italian study of the Neapolitan Hegelians.)

  • Riedel, M. (1967) ‘Hegel und Gans’, in H. Braun and M. Riedel (eds) Natur und Geschichte. Karl Löwith zum 70. Geburtstag, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 257–273.

    (On Eduard Gans’ relation to Hegel and Hegelianism.)

  • Roth, M. (1988) Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth Century France, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

    (A useful discussion of twentieth-century French Hegelianism.)

  • Sass, H.M. and Wartofsky, M.W. (1978) Feuerbach, Marx and the Left Hegelians, The Philosophical Forum 8: 1, 2 and 3.

    (A special issue on the Left Hegelians.)

  • Schmidt, A. (1962) Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre von Marx, Frankfurt: Europäische Verlagsanstatt; trans. B. Fowkes, The Concept of Nature in Marx, London: New Left Books, 1971.

    (Analyses Marx’s complex philosophical relation to Hegel and the Young Hegelians.)

  • Schmidt, A. (1962) Geschichte und Struktur, Munich: Carl Hanser; trans. J. Herf, History and Structure, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981.

    (Criticizes Althusser and the structuralist tendency to separate an early ‘Hegelian’ from a mature ‘scientific’ phase in Marx’s thought.)

  • Stern, R. (1994) ‘British Hegelianism: A Non-Metaphysical View?’, European Journal of Philosophy 2: 293–321.

    (Examines the impact of Schelling on the readings of Hegel offered by the British Idealists.)

  • Thulstrup, N. (1967) Kierkegaard’s Relation to Hegel, trans. G.L. Stengren, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980.

    (A thorough account of Kierkegaard’s acquaintance with Hegel’s writings and those of his followers in Denmark.)

  • Toews, J. (1980) Hegelianism: The Path Towards Dialectical Humanism, 1805–1841, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (A study of the Hegelian movement before and after Hegel’s death.)

  • Wartofsky, M.W. (1977) Feuerbach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    (Contains a thorough discussion of Hegel’s place in Feuerbach’s intellectual development.)

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Stern, Robert and Nicholas Walker. Bibliography. Hegelianism, 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-DC037-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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