

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-DC055-1
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References and further reading

Primary literature

  • Bauch, B. (1917) Immanuel Kant, Leipzig: Goschen.

    (General interpretation of Kantian thought from the perspective of the Southwest German School of Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Bauch, B. (1923) Wahrheit, Wert und Wirklichkeit (Truth, Value and Reality), Leipzig: Meiner.

    (Deals with the problems of systematically linking theories of truth, reality and ethics.)

  • Bauch, B. (1926) Die Idee (The Idea), Leipzig: Reinecke.

    (Presentation of the Idea as a unity of logical functioning.)

  • Bauch, B. (1931) Selbstdarstellung (Self-Portrayal), in H. Schwarz (ed.) Deutsche systematische Philosophie nach ihren Gestaltern (German Systematic Philosophy According to its Creators), Berlin: Junker & Dünnhaupt, vol. 1, 237–239.

    (A philosophical autobiography leading up to the 1930s.)

  • Bauch, B. (1935) Grundzüge der Ethik (Fundamentals of Ethics), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    (An outline of the ethics of value-formation.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1902) Leibniz System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen (Leibniz’ System in its Scientific Foundations), Marburg: N.G. Elwertsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

    (An epistemological interpretation of Leibniz’s thought.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1906–20) Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neuen Zeit (The Problem of Knowledge in the Philosophy and Science of the Modern Age), Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 4 vols.

    (A history of epistemology from a scientific-historical perspective.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1910) Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff (The Concept of Substance and the Concept of Function), Berlin: Bruno Cassirer.

    (Describes the transition from the concept of substance to that of function characteristic of modern thought.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1923–9) Philosophie der symbolischen Formen, Darmstadt, 3 vols, 2nd edn, 1977–85; trans. R. Manheim, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1955.

    (Outline of a comprehensive cultural philosophy based on his theory of symbolism.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1944) An Essay on Man, New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press.

    (Outline of a philosophical anthropology.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1946) The Myth of the State, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

    (Outline of a social philosophy.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1956) Wesen und Wirkung des Symbolbegriffs (The Nature and Influence of the Concept of Symbol), Darmstadt: Wissenschaftsliche Buchgesellschaft.

    (A collection of important essays on Cassirer’s understanding of ‘symbol’.)

  • Cohen, H. (1871) Kants Theorie der Erfahrung (Kant’s Theory of Experience), Berlin: Dümmler, 2nd edn, 1885.

    (Reconstruction of Kant’s first critique.)

  • Cohen, H. (1877) Kants Begründung der Ethik (Kant’s Foundation of Ethics), Berlin: Dümmler.

    (Reconstruction of Kant’s second critique.)

  • Cohen, H. (1899) Kants Begründung der Ästhetik (Kant’s Foundation of Aesthetics), Berlin: Dümmler.

    (Reconstruction of Kant’s third critique.)

  • Cohen, H. (1902) Logik der reinen Erkenntnis (Logic of Pure Knowledge), Berlin: Bruno Cassirer.

    (Reconstruction of the foundation of a theory of knowledge.)

  • Cohen, H. (1904) Ethik des reinen Willens (Ethics of Pure Will), Berlin: Bruno Cassirer.

    (Theory of the foundations of ethics.)

  • Cohen, H. (1912) Ästhetik des reinen Gefühls (Aesthetics of Pure Feeling), Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 2 vols.

    (Theory of the foundations of ethics.)

  • Cohen, H. (1915) Der Begriff der Religion im System der Philosophie (The Concept of Religion in the Philosophical System), Gießen: Töpelmann.

    (Interpretation of the relationship between religious thinking and Neo-Kantian system concepts.)

  • Cohen, H. (1919) Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, Frankfurt am Main: J. Kaufmann; trans. S. Kaplan, Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism, New York: Ungar, 1972.

    (An attempt to synthesize Neo-Kantian systems and Jewish religious thought.)

  • Cohn J. (1901) Allgemeine Ästhetik (Universal Aesthetics), Leipzig: Engelmann.

    (Outline of a theory of aesthetics based on moral philosophy.)

  • Cohn J. (1908) Voraussetzungen und Ziele des Erkennens (The Presuppositions and Ends of Knowledge), Leipzig: Engelmann.

    (Outline of a morally oriented theory of knowledge.)

  • Cohn J. (1914) Der Sinn der gegenwärtigen Kultur (The Meaning of Contemporary Culture), Leipzig: Meiner.

    (An interpretation of the cultural situation on the eve of the First World War.)

  • Cohn J. (1919) Geist der Erziehung. Pädagogik auf philosophischer Grundlage (The Spirit of Education: Pedagogy on a Philosophical Basis), Leipzig: Teubner.

    (Outlines an educational philosophy based on moral philosophy.)

  • Cohn J. (1923) Selbstdarstellung (Self-Presentation), in R. Schmidt (ed.) Die deutsche Philosophie der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen (Self-Presentation of Contemporary German Philosophy), Leipzig: Meiner, vol. 2, 61–81.

    (Autobiographical account of Cohn’s philosophy until the 1920s.)

  • Cohn J. (1926a) ‘Erlebnis, Wirklichkeit, Unwirkliches’ (Experience, Reality and the Unreal), Logos 15: 194–215.

    (An essay on the problems of understanding the concept of reality.)

  • Cohn J. (1926b) Befreien und Binden, Zeitfragen der Erziehung überzeitlich betrachtet (Liberation and Commitment, Contemporary Questions of Education from a Super-temporal Perspective), Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer.

    (Collection of essays on educational philosophy.)

  • Cohn J. (1932) Wertwissenschaft (Science of Value), Stuttgart: Frommann.

    (Outline of a systematic moral philosophy.)

  • Cohn J. (1955) Wirklichkeit als Aufgabe (Reality as Task), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    (Outline of a science of reality.)

  • Lange, F.A. (1866) Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, Iserlohn: J. Baedeker; 2nd edn, Iserlohn and Leipzig, J. Baedeker, 1873–5, 2 vols; trans. E.C. Thomas, History of Materialism, Boston, MA, Osgood, 1877, 3 vols.

    (A detailed study of the history of materialism from the ancient Greeks to the 1870s including material on contemporary developments in physics, biology and social theory, and their impact on a Neo-Kantian thought.)

  • Lask, E. (1923–4) Gesammelte Schriften (Collected Writings), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 3 vols.

    (Includes posthumous writings. Fichtes Idealismus und die Geschichte (Fichte’s Idealism and History), Lask’s doctoral thesis referred to in §4, can be found in volume 1, pages 1–273.)

  • Liebmann, O. (1865) Kant und die Epigonen (Kant and the Epigones), Stuttgart: Carl Schober.

    (A critique of post-Kantian philosophy and its un-Kantian orientation towards the thing-in-itself.)

  • Meyer, J.B. (1857) Über Sinn und Wert des Kritizismus (On the Meaning and Value of Critical Philosophy).

    (Pleads for a self-limitation of philosophy regarding ideological questions.)

  • Natorp, P. (1884) Forschungen zur Geschichte des Erkenntnisproblems im Altertum (Investigations into the History of the Problem of Knowledge in Antiquity), Berlin: Hertz.

    (An investigation into classical epistemology.)

  • Natorp, P. (1899) Sozialpädagogik (Social Pedagogy), Stuttgart: Frommann.

    (Outline of a concept of social pedagogy.)

  • Natorp, P. (1902) Platons Ideenlehre (Plato’s Doctrine of Ideas), Leipzig: Meiner; 2nd edn, 1922.

    (Epistemological interpretation of Platonic idealism.)

  • Natorp, P. (1910) Die logischen Grundlagen der exakten Wissenschaften (The Logical Foundations of the Exact Sciences), Leipzig; Berlin: Teubner.

    (A study of the foundational problems in the exact sciences.)

  • Natorp, P. (1911) Die Philosophie, ihr Problem und ihre Probleme (Philosophy, Its Problem and Its Problems), Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.

    (General overview of philosophy from a Marburg Neo-Kantian perspective.)

  • Natorp, P. (1912a) Kant und die Marburger Schule, Berlin: Reuther & Reichard.

    (Presents the Marburg School’s interpretation of Kant.)

  • Natorp, P. (1912b) Allgemeine Psychologie nach kritischer Methode (General Psychology According to the Critical Method), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.

    (Outlines a philosophical psychology.)

  • Natorp, P. (1925) Vorlesungen über praktische Philosophie (Lectures in Practical Philosophy), Erlangen: Verlag der philosophischen Akademie.

    (Foundations for a practical philosophy.)

  • Natorp, P. (1958) Philosophische Systematik (The Systematic Structure of Philosophy), Hamburg: Meiner.

    (Outlines a theory of categories.)

  • Paulsen, F. (1875) Versuch einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Kantischen Erkenntnistheorie (Contribution Towards a History of the Development of Kant’s Theory of Knowledge), Leipzig: Fues’s Verlag (R. Riesland).

    (Reconstructs the genesis of Kantian epistemology.)

  • Rickert, H. (1921) Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis (The Object of Knowledge), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 5th edn, improved.

    (Outline of the general foundation of the theory of knowledge.)

  • Rickert, H. (1896–1902) Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung (The Limits of Scientific Concept Formation), Tübingen: J.C. Mohr, 2 vols.

    (The classic work of the Southwest German School of Neo-Kantianism on the logic of a historical science.)

  • Rickert, H. (1915) Kulturwissenschaft und Naturwissenschaft, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 3rd edn; trans. G. Reisman, Science and History, Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.

    (Presents the dualistic epistemology characteristic of the Southwest German School of Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Rickert, H. (1920) Die Philosophie des Lebens (The Philosophy of Life), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.

    (Discussion of the philosophy of life.)

  • Rickert, H. (1921) System der Philosophie (System of Philosophy), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, vol. 1.

    (Develops a philosophical system, which remained unfinished.)

  • Rickert, H. (1930) Die Logik des Prädikats und das Problem der Ontologie (Predicate Logic and the Problem of Ontology), Heidelberg: Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung.

    (Develops a liguistic-philosophical approach to ontology.)

  • Rickert, H. (1932) Thesen zum System der Philosophie (Theses on the Systematic Philosophy), Logos 4: 97–102.

    (Sketches a general outline of philosophy.)

  • Rickert, H. (1934) Grundprobleme der Philosophie, Methodologie, Ontologie, Anthropologie (Fundamental Problems of Philosophy, Methodology, Ontology, Anthropology), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.

    (Essential philosophical problems from a methodological, ontological and anthropological point of view.)

  • Riehl, A. (1876–7) Der philosophische Kritizismus und seine Bedeutung für die positive Wissenschaft (Philosophy of Criticism and its Significance for Positive Science), Leipzig: Engelmann Verlag, 3 vols.

    (Develops of a realistic interpretation of Kant.)

  • Schleiermacher, F.D.E. (1839) Dialektik (Dialectic), ed. Jonas, Berlin: G. Reimer.

    (The first post-Kantian attempt to construct a theory of knowledge based on pure thought as well as on sensory perception.)

  • Trendelenburg, A. (1840) Logische Untersuchungen (Logical Investigations), Leipzig: Hirzel Verlag, 1870, 2 vols.

    (Develops a non-speculative logic oriented towards the particular sciences.)

  • Windelband, W. (1878–80) Geschichte der neueren Philosophie in ihrem Zusammenhange mit der allgemeinen Kultur und den Wissenschaften (History of Modern Philosophy in its Relation to General Culture and the Sciences), Leipzig: Breitkopf & Haertel, 2 vols.

    (A history of philosophy from the Italian Renaissance to the psychologism of Fries and Beneke.)

  • Windelband, W (1884) Präludien (Preludes), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 2 vols.

    (A collection of essays on philosophical-historical and systematic questions.)

  • Windelband, W (1902) Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie (Textbook of the History of Philosophy), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 17th edn, 1994.

    (Reviews problems in the history of philosophy.)

  • Windelband, W (1914) Einleitung in die Philosophie (Introduction to Philosophy), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.

    (Systematic introduction to moral philosophy.)

  • Zeller, E. (1877) Über Bedeutung und Aufgabe der Erkenntnistheorie (On the Significance and Task of the Theory of Knowledge), in Vorträge und Abhandlungen (Addresses and Essays), Leipzig: Fues’s Verlag (R. Reisland), 479–496.

    (Presents a theory of knowledge as a formal basis for the whole of philosophy.)

Secondary literature

  • Brelage, M. (1965) Studien zur Transzendentalphilosophie (Studies on Transcendental Philosophy), Berlin: de Gruyter.

    (Places Neo-Kantianism in the context of the problem of ‘Transcendental Philosophy and concrete Subjectivity’.)

  • Flach, W. and Holzhey, H. (1980) Erkenntnistheorie und Logik im Neukantianismus (Theory of Knowledge and Logic in Neo-Kantianism), Hildesheim: Olms.

    (Contains, apart from a collection of important source texts, an introduction to the theoretical philosophy of Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Holzhey, H. (1992) Der Neukantianismus, in A. Hügli and P. Lübke (eds) Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert (Philosophy in the Twentieth Century), Hamburg: Rowohlt-Verlag, vol. 1, 19–51.

  • Holzhey, H. and Orth, E.-W. (1994) Neukantianismus. Perspektiven und Probleme. Eine Zwischenbilanz der jüngsten Neukantianismusforschung (Neo-Kantianism: Perspectives and Problems; An Assessment of Contemporary Research into Neo-Kantianism), Hildesheim: Königshausen & Neumann.

    (Attempt at a summary of recent international research into Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Köhnke, K.C. (1986) Entstehung und Aufstieg des Neukantianismus (The Development and Rise of Neo-Kantianism), Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

    (Comprehensive investigation into the beginnings of Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Oakes, G. (1990) Die Grenzen der kulturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung (The Limits of the Formation of Expression in the History of Culture), Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

    (Discusses the relationship of Rickert’s philosophy to Weber’s methodology.)

  • Oelkers, J., Schulz, W.K. and Tenorth, H.-E. (1989) Neukantianismus. Kulturtheorie, Pädagogik und Philosophie (Neo-Kantianism: Theory of Culture, Pedagogy and Philosophy), Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.

    (Contains contributions to an appreciation of Neo-Kantian educational theory.)

  • Ollig, H.-L. (1987) Materialien zur Neukantianismus-Diskussion (Material on the Discussion of Neo-Kantianism), Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

    (Collection of important essays on research into Neo-Kantianism.)

  • Willey, T. (1987) Back to Kant. The Revival of Kantianism in German Social and Historical Thought 1860–1914, Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.

    (Casts light on the return to Kant in its contemporary context.)

Citing this article:
Ollig, Hans-Ludwig. Bibliography. Neo-Kantianism, 1998, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-DC055-1. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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