

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-DC055-2
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References and further reading

  • Bauch, B. (1907) ‘ Erfahrung und Geometrie in ihrem erkenntnistheoretischen Verhältnis ’, Kant-Studien 12: 213–235. (Offers a neo-Kantian account of the relation between geometry and experience in the light of modern axiomatics.)

  • Beiser, F. (2011) The German Historicist Tradition, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A helpful introduction to the late nineteenth and early twentieth century debate about historical science and the relation between history and philosophy.)

  • Beiser, F. (2014) The Genesis of Neo-Kantianism, 1796–1880, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A reconstruction of the genesis of neo-Kantianism dating back to the German empiricist tradition of Herbart, Fries, and Beneke.)

  • Biagioli, F. (2016) Space, Number, and Geometry from Helmholtz to Cassirer, Cham: Springer. (Discusses the neo-Kantian debate on the Kantian theory of space and the foundations of geometry.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1902) Leibniz’ System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen, Marburg: Elwert. (Cassirer’s interpretation of Leibniz as a precursor of critical idealism.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1906) Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit, vol. 1, Berlin: B. Cassirer. (Cassirer’s study of the history of the problem of knowledge and the relation between philosophy and the sciences in the early modern period.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1907a) Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit, vol. 2, Berlin: B. Cassirer. (Contains Cassirer’s discussion of the Kantian theory of space and time, and a defence of Cohen’s reading of Kant.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1907b) ‘Kant und die moderne Mathematik’, Kant-Studien 12, 1–40. (Presents the idea of a new investigation of the conditions of knowledge in the light of the fact of modern mathematics.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1910) Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff. Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen der Erkenntniskritik, Berlin: B. Cassirer; trans. W.C. Swabey and M.C. Swabey, Substance and Function & Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Chicago: Open Court, 1923. (Cassirer’s interpretation of Marburg neo-Kantian epistemology offering an account of scientific concept formation modelled on the mathematical concept of function.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1912) ‘ Hermann Cohen und die Erneuerung der Kantischen Philosophie ’, Kant-Studien 17: 252–273; trans. L. Patton, ‘Hermann Cohen and the Renewal of Kantian Philosophy’, in Luft (2015), pp. 221–235. (An accessible introduction to the transcendental method and to the main tenets of the critical idealism shared by Marburg neo-Kantians.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1918) Kants Leben und Lehre, Berlin: B. Cassirer; trans. J. Haden, Kant’s Life and Thought, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981. (An accessible presentation of the Marburg interpretation of Kant.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1921) Zur Einstein’schen Relativitätstheorie, Berlin: B. Cassirer; trans. W.C. Swabey and M.C. Swabey, Substance and Function & Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Chicago: Open Court, 1923. (A further articulation of Cassirer’s epistemology. Advocates a revision of the Kantian theory of space and time in the light of Einstein’s general relativity.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1929) Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Dritter Teil: Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis, Berlin: B. Cassirer; trans. R. Manheim, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Volume Three: The Phenomenology of Knowledge, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. (A further development of Cassirer’s account of scientific concept formation as rooted in more basic symbolic forms.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1936) Determinismus und Indeterminismus in der modernen Physik, Göteborg: Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift 42; trans. O.T. Benfey, Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954. (Uses insights from critical idealism to propose an interpretation of the objects of quantum physics in structural terms.)

  • Cassirer, E. (1944) An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture, New Haven: Yale University Press. (An accessible presentation of Cassirer’s philosophy of culture.)

  • Cohen, H. (1871a) Kants Theorie der Erfahrung, Berlin: Dümmler. (An interpretation of Kant’s faculties of the mind in terms of functions that together provide the structure of experience.)

  • Cohen, H. (1871b) ‘ Zur Controverse zwischen Trendelenburg und Kuno Fischer ’, Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft 7: 249–296. (Cohen’s discussion of the Trendelenburg–Fischer controversy about the Transcendental Aesthetics and the Kantian a priori.)

  • Cohen, H. (1877) Kants Begründung der Ethik, Berlin: Dümmler. (Addresses the extension of the transcendental method from natural laws to the laws of human action.)

  • Cohen, H. (1883) Das Princip der Infinitesimal-Methode und seine Geschichte. Ein Kapitel. zur Grundlegung der Erkenntniskritik, Berlin: Dümmler. (Cohen’s interpretation of the principle of the infinitesimal method in terms of Kant’s Anticipations of Perception. Contains Cohen’s characterization of critical idealism.)

  • Cohen, H. (1885) Kants Theorie der Erfahrung, 2nd ed. Berlin: Dümmler. (The final version of Cohen’s interpretation of the Kantian theory of experience based on the transcendental method.)

  • Cohen, H. (1889) Kants Begründung der Ästhetik, Berlin: Dümmler. (Cohen’s interpretation of Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment.)

  • Cohen, H. (1896) ‘Einleitung mit kritischem Nachtrag zur Geschichte des Materialismus von F. A. Lange’, in the 5th ed. of Lange (1866). (A helpful characterization of the transcendental method in contrast with the physiological interpretation of the Kantian a priori.)

  • Cohen, H. (1902) System der Philosophie, Erster Teil: Logik der reinen Erkenntnis, Berlin: B. Cassirer. (Cohen’s theory of the origin of the objects of knowledge in pure thought.)

  • Cohen, H. (1904) System der Philosophie, Zweiter Teil: Ethik der reinen Willens, Berlin: B. Cassirer. (Cohen’s theory of the origin of ethical ideals in pure will.)

  • Cohen, H. (1912) System der Philosophie, Dritter Teil: Ästhetik der reinen Gefühls, Berlin: B. Cassirer. (Cohen’s theory of the origin of the objects aesthetic judgement in pure feeling.)

  • Cohen, H. (1919) Die Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, Leipzig: Fock; trans. S. Kaplan, Religion of Reason: Out of the Sources of Judaism, New York: Frederick Unger, 1972. (An interpretation of Judaism as the original religion of reason.)

  • Cohn, J. (1908) Voraussetzungen und Ziele des Erkennens, Leipzig: Engelmann. (Cohn’s epistemology in the framework of the South West German neo-Kantian theory of value.)

  • Cohn J. (1914) Der Sinn der gegenwärtigen Kultur, Leipzig: Meiner. (A defence of the idea of a unitary philosophy of culture in the wake of South West German neo-Kantianism.)

  • De Warren, N. and Staiti, A. (eds) (2015) New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (A collection of papers highlighting the lasting contributions of the neo-Kantian movement.)

  • Dilthey, W. (1883) Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschafte n, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot; trans. R.A. Makkreel and F. Rodi, Introduction to the Human Sciences, in Selected Works, vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. (Dilthey’s seminal account of the foundations and the methodology of human sciences.)

  • Edgar, S. and Patton, L. (eds) (2018) ‘Method, Science, and Mathematics: Neo-Kantianism and Analytic Philosophy’, in Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3). (A collection of papers addressing important themes from neo-Kantianism in analytical philosophy.)

  • Ferrari, M. (1998) ‘ Neokantismo come filosofia della cultura: Wilhelm Windelband e Heinrich Rickert ’, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3: 367–388. (A helpful discussion of the idea of a neo-Kantian philosophy of culture in South West German neo-Kantianism.)

  • Ferrari, M. (2003) Ernst Cassirer. Stationen einer philosophischen Biographie: Von der Marburger Schule zur Kulturphilosophie, Hamburg: Meiner. (A helpful reconstruction of Cassirer’s relation to his Marburg teachers and of the neo-Kantian themes of his mature philosophy of culture.)

  • Fischer, K. (1860) Geschichte der neuern Philosophie, vols 3–4: Immanuel Kant, Mannheim: Bassermann. (Fischer’s presentation of Kant in his seminal handbook in the history of modern philosophy.)

  • Flach, W. and Holzhey, H. (1980) Erkenntnistheorie und Logik im Neukantianismus, Hildesheim: Olms. (A sourcebook for theory of knowledge and logic in neo-Kantianism with a useful introduction to the original texts.)

  • Friedman, M. (2000) A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger, Chicago: Open Court. (Offers a reconstruction of the neo-Kantian background of the confrontation between Cassirer, Heidegger, and Carnap in the late 1920s.)

  • Friedman, M. and Nordmann, A. (eds) (2006) The Kantian Legacy in Nineteenth-Century Science, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (A collection of helpful papers discussing neo-Kantian themes in the philosophical reflection on science in the ninetieth century.)

  • Giovanelli, M. (2011) Reality and Negation – Kant’s Principle of Anticipations of Perception: An Investigation of its Impact on the Post-Kantian Debate, Dordrecht: Springer. (Discusses Cohen’s interpretation of Kant and its reception in Marburg neo-Kantianism.)

  • Hatfield, G. (1990) The Natural and the Normative: Theories of Spatial Perception from Kant to Helmholtz, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (A helpful discussion of Helmholtz’s relation to Kant.)

  • Heinz, M. and Krijnen, C. (eds) (2007) Kant im Neukantianismus: Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann. (A collection of papers addressing the different interpretations of Kant in neo-Kantianism.)

  • Helmholtz, H. v. (1855) ‘Ueber das Sehen des Menschen’, in Vorträge und Reden, 5th edn, vol. 1: 85–118, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1903. (Presents the main ideas of a physiological interpretation of the Kantian a priori.)

  • Helmholtz, H. v. (1867) Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, 3 vols, Leipzig: Voss. (Helmholtz’s psychological optics. Contains Helmholtz’s empirical account of the form of spatial intuition.)

  • Helmholtz, H. v. (1921) Schriften zur Erkenntnistheorie, ed. M. Schlick and P. Hertz, Berlin: Springer; trans. M. Lowe, Epistemological Writings, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1977. (The centenary edition of Helmholtz’s papers about the empirical foundations of mathematics.)

  • Herbart, J.F. (1825) Psychologie als Wissenschaft. Neu gegründet auf Erfahrung, Metaphysik und Mathematik, vol. 2, in Sämmtliche Werke, Leipzig: Voss, 1850. (Herbart’s psychology. Contains Herbart’s critique of Kant’s argument for the aprioricity of space.)

  • Holzhey, H. (1986) Cohen und Natorp, 2 vols, Basel: Schwabe. (A helpful reconstruction of the theoretical differences between Cohen and Natorp. Contains previously unpublished materials documenting internal debates among Marburg neo-Kantians.)

  • Hönigswald, R. (1906) Beiträge zur Erkenntnistheorie und Methodenlehre, Leipzig: Fock. (Hönigswald’s theory of knowledge.)

  • Hönigswald, R. (1909) ‘Über den Unterschied und die Beziehungen der logischen und der erkenntnistheoretischen Elemente in dem kritischen Problem der Geometrie’, in T. Elsenhans (ed.), Bericht über den III. Internationalen Kongress für Philosophie, 1 to 5 September 1908: 887–893, Heidelberg: Winter. (Hönigswald’s discussion of the epistemological significance of geometry.)

  • Hönigswald, R. (1912) Zum Streit über die Grundlagen der Mathematik, Heidelberg: Winter. (Hönigswald’s account of the neo-Kantian debate on the foundations of mathematics.)

  • Kinzel, K. (2017) ‘Wilhelm Windelband and the Problem of Relativism’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 25(1): 84–107. (A helpful discussion of Windelband’s stance on relativism in the debate about the status and the method of the human sciences.)

  • Kinzel, K. and Patton, L. (eds) (2021) ‘Historical Thought in German Neo-Kantianism’, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29(4). (A collection of papers on historical reflection in German neo-Kantianism.)

  • Köhnke, K.C. (1991) The Rise of Neo-Kantianism: German Academic Philosophy between Idealism and Positivism, trans. R.J. Hollingdale, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (An informative study of the genesis of neo-Kantianism integrating a sociological study of the development of the neo-Kantian movement with a helpful discussion of its philosophical roots.)

  • Krijnen, C. and Orth, E.W. (eds) (1998) Sinn, Geltung, Wert. Neukantianische Motive in der modernen Kulturphilosophie, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. (A collection of papers addressing the different neo-Kantian approaches to the philosophy of culture.)

  • Mormann, T. and Katz, M. (2013) ‘ Infinitesimals as an Issue of Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Science ’, HOPOS Journal 2: 236–280. (A helpful discussion of the different accounts of infinitesimals in Marburg neo-Kantianism.)

  • Lange, F.A. (1866) Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, Iserlohn: J. Baedeker; 2nd edn, Iserlohn: Baedeker, 1873–5, 2 vols; trans. E.C. Thomas, History of Materialism and Criticism of Its Present Importance, Boston, MA: Osgood, 1877–81, 3 vols. (An account of the history of materialism from antiquity to the nineteenth-century materialism controversy. Points at Kant’s philosophy as a powerful resource against the materialists’ attempt at a reduction of experience to causal explanations.)

  • Lask, E. (1908) ‘ Gibt es einen Primat der praktischen Vernunft in der Logik? ’, Bericht über den III. Internationalen Kongreß der Philosophie, Heidelberg 1909: 671–677. (Draws attention to the need to account for the sphere of the unconditionally valid.)

  • Lask, E. (1911) Die Logik der Philosophie und die Kategorienlehre. Eine Studie über den Herrschaftsbereich der logischen Form, Tübingen: Mohr; trans. C. Braun, The Logic of Philosophy and the Doctrine of Categories, London: Free Association Books, 1999. (A systematization of the categories of the understanding from the standpoint of the theory of values.)

  • Lask, E. (1912) Die Lehre vom Urteil, Tübingen: Mohr. (Investigates the logical structure of judgements in terms of the theory of values.)

  • Lotze, R.H. (1874) Logik. Drei Bücher vom Denken, vom Untersuchen und vom Erkennen, 2nd edn, Leipzig: S. Hirze, 1880; trans. B. Bosanque, Logic, in Three Books: Ontology, Cosmology and Psychology, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884; 2nd edn, 1887. (Lotze’s seminal normative account of logic.)

  • Luft, S. (2015) The Space of Culture: Towards a Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Culture (Cohen, Natorp, & Cassirer), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A useful account of the main approaches to the philosophy of culture in Marburg neo-Kantianism.)

  • Luft, S. (ed.) (2015) The Neo-Kantian Reader, New York: Routledge. (A sourcebook for German neo-Kantianism. Contains a selection of texts by key figures of the neo-Kantian movement, made available in English translations and with clear introductory sections placing the texts in their historical and philosophical context.)

  • Luft, S. and Makkreel, R. (eds) (2010) Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (A collection of papers addressing themes from neo-Kantianism in contemporary philosophy.)

  • Natorp, P. (1881) Descartes’ Erkenntnistheorie. Eine Studie zur Vorgeschichte des Kritizismus, Marburg: Elwert. (Natorp’s study of the prehistory of critical idealism in early modern philosophy.)

  • Natorp, P. (1887) ‘ Ueber objektive und subjektive Begründung der Erkenntniss ’, Philosophische Monatshefte 23: 257–286; trans. D. Kolb, ‘On the Objective and Subjective Grounding of Knowledge’, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12 (1981): 245–266. (Presents the idea of a double direction of the epistemological inquiry, towards the objectification of the mind’s a priori forms, and back.)

  • Natorp, P. (1903) Platos Ideenlehre: Eine Einführung in den Idealismus, Leipzig: Dürr. (Natorp’s interpretation of Plato’s theory of ideas.)

  • Natorp, P. (1901) ‘ Zu den logischen Grundlagen der neueren Mathematik ’, Archiv für systematische Philosophie 7: 177–209,372–384. (Presents the plan of a transcendental investigation of the fact of modern mathematics.)

  • Natorp, P. (1910) Die logischen Grundlagen der exakten Wissenschaften, Leipzig: Teubner. (Natorp’s major epistemological work. Presents the system of a priori syntheses lying at the foundations of mathematics and the mathematical science of nature.)

  • Natorp, P. (1912a) Allgemeine Psychologie nach kritischer Methode, Tübingen: Mohr. (Natorp’s general psychology applying the critical method regressively, from objectifications to the psychic processes involved in cognition.)

  • Natorp, P. (1912b) ‘ Kant und die Marburger Schule ’, Kant-Studien 17: 193–221; trans. F. Bottenberg, ‘Kant and the Marburg School’, in Luft 2015: 180–197. (An accessible presentation of the main themes of the Marburg School.)

  • Ollig, H.L. (1979) Der Neukantianismus, Stuttgart: Metzler. (An informative account of the life and works of the major figures of the neo-Kantian movement.)

  • Orth, E.W. and Holzhey, H. (eds) (1994) Neukantianismus. Perspektiven und Probleme, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. (A collection of papers about philosophically relevant themes from the various schools of neo-Kantianism.)

  • Patton, L. (2005) ‘The Critical Philosophy Renewed’, Angelaki, 10(1): 109–118. (A useful account of the idea of a renewal of Kant’s critical philosophy from the back to Kant movement to Cohen.)

  • Poma, A. (1997) The Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen, trans. J. Denton, Albany, NY: SUNY Press. (A comprehensive account of Cohen’s thought.)

  • Rickert, H. (1892) Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis. Eine Einführung in die Transzendentalphilosophie, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2nd rev. ed. 1904, 3rd edn with major revisions 1915, 4th and 5th improved edn 1921. (Rickert’s theory of knowledge.)

  • Rickert, H. (1902) Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung. Eine logische Einleitung in die historischen Wissenschaften, Tübingen: Mohr; 2nd rev. edn 1913, 3rd and 4th improved edn 1921, 5th improved and extended edn 1929. (Rickert’s account of concept formation in historical sciences.)

  • Rickert, H. (1909). ‘ Zwei Wege der Erkenntnistheorie. Transcendentalpsychologie und Transcendentallogik ’, Kant-Studien 14: 169–228. (Rickert’s plan to integrate a transcendental-psychological approach to the theory of knowledge with a transcendental-logical one.)

  • Rickert, H. (1910) ‘ Vom Begriff der Philosophie ’, Logos 1: 1–34. (A helpful presentation of Rickert’s conception of philosophy from the standpoint of the theory of values.)

  • Rickert, H. (1911) ‘ Das Eine, die Einheit und die Eins. Bemerkungen zur Logik des Zahlbegriffs ’, Logos 2: 26–78. (Rickert’s account of the formation of numerical concepts.)

  • Rickert, H. (1921) System der Philosophie, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, vol. 1. (The first volume of Rickert’s unfinished system of philosophy offering a formal classification of values.)

  • Rickert, H. (1924) Kant als Philosoph der modernen Kultur. Ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch, Tübingen: Mohr. (An interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy introducing to the tasks of a modern philosophy of culture.)

  • Riehl, A. (1876) Der Philosophische Kriticismus und seine Bedeutung für die positive Wissenschaft, vol. 1: Geschichte und Methode des philosophischen Kriticismus, Leipzig: Engelmann. (Riehl’s realist interpretation of Kant. Emphasizes the continuing influence of empiricist themes in the development of Kant’s thought.)

  • Riehl, A. (1879) Der Philosophische Kriticismus, vol. 2: Die sinnlichen und logischen Grundlagen der Erkenntnis, Leipzig: Engelmann. (Integrates the Kantian account of a priori knowledge with an empiricist theory of knowledge.)

  • Riehl, A. (1887) Der Philosophische Kriticismus, vol. 3: Zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Metaphysik, Leipzig: Engelmann; trans. A. Fairbanks, The Principles of the Critical Philosophy: Introduction to The Theory of Science and Metaphysics, London: Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1894. (Addresses classical metaphysical issues from the standpoint of Riehl’s theory of science.)

  • Sieg, U. (1994) Aufstieg und Niedergang des Marburger Neukantianismus. Die Geschichte einer philosophischen Schulgemeinschaft, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. (An informative reconstruction of the development of Marburg neo-Kantianism.)

  • Stadler, A. (1883) Kants Theorie der Materie, Leipzig: Hirzel. (A defence of Cohen’s reading of Kant in respect to psychophysics.)

  • Trendelenburg, F.A. (1840) Logische Untersuchungen, Berlin: Bethge. (Trendelenburg’s seminal work on logic. Contains Trendelenburg’s critique of the Kantian theory of space and time.)

  • Windelband, W. (1878–80) Die Geschichte der neueren Philosophie in ihrem Zusammenhange mit der allgemeinen Cultur und den besonderen Wissenschaften, 2 vols., Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (Windelband’s first important work in the history of modern philosophy. Contains the core ideas of his interpretation of Kant.)

  • Windelband, W. (1883) ‘Kritische oder genetische Methode?’, in Windelband 1915, vol. 2: 99–135; trans. A. Duncan, ‘Critical or Genetic Method?’, in Luft 2015: 271–286. (Windelband’s characterization of the critical method in reference to the theory of values.)

  • Windelband, W. (1891) Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie, Tübingen: Mohr. (Windelband’s seminal handbook in the history of philsophy.)

  • Windelband, W. (1882) ‘Was ist Philosophie?’, in Windelband1915, vol. 1: 1–54. (Windelband’s conception of philosophy as the science of universally valid values.)

  • Windelband, W. (1894) ‘Geschichte und Naturwissenschaft’, in Windelband 2015, vol. 2: 136–160; trans. G. Oakes, ‘History and Natural Science’, in Luft 2015: 287–298. (Windelband’s account of the distinction between history and natural sciences. Contains the classification of the sciences into ‘nomothetic’ and ‘idiographic’.)

  • Windelband, W. (1910) ‘Kulturphilosophie und transzendentaler Idealismus’, in Windelband 1915, vol. 2: 279–294. (A helpful presentation of the neo-Kantian philosophy of culture as rooted in Kant’s transcendental idealism.)

  • Windelband, W. (1915) Präludien. Aufsätze und Reden zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte, 2 vols, 5th expanded edn (1st ed. 1883), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (A collection of Windelband’s seminal essays.)

  • Zeller, E. (1862) ‘Ueber Bedeutung und Aufgabe der Erkenntnistheorie’, in Vorträge und Abhandlungen, vol. 2: 479–526, Leipzig: Fues, 1877. (Zeller’s famous defence of the theory of knowledge as a fundamental philosophical discipline in the wake of Kant.)

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Biagioli, Francesca. Bibliography. Neo-Kantianism, 2022, doi:10.4324/9780415249126-DC055-2. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis,
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