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Charity, principle of

The principle of charity governs the interpretation of the beliefs and utterances of others. It urges charitable interpretation, meaning interpretation that maximizes the truth or rationality of what ...

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Rational beliefs

To the extent that a belief is rational, it ought to be held, other things being equal; irrational beliefs should not be held. From traditional epistemological perspectives, the ...

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Rationality and cultural relativism

Under what conditions may we judge the practices or beliefs of another culture to be rationally deficient? Is it possible that cultures can differ so radically as to ...

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Belief and knowledge

It is often said that for people to know that such and such is the case, they must have something like a belief that such and such is ...

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Davidson, Donald (1917–2003)

Donald Davidson’s views about the relationship between our conceptions of ourselves as people and as complex physical objects have had significant impact on contemporary discussions of such topics ...

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Doubt is often defined as a state of indecision or hesitancy with respect to accepting or rejecting a given proposition. Thus, doubt is opposed to belief. But doubt ...

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Animal language and thought

The question of animal language and thought has been debated since ancient times. Some have held that humans are exceptional in these respects, others that humans and animals ...

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Radical translation and radical interpretation

Radical translation is the setting of a thought experiment conceived by W.V. Quine in the late 1950s. In that setting a linguist undertakes to translate into English some ...

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Semantics, conceptual role

According to conceptual role semantics (CRS), the meaning of a representation is the role of that representation in the cognitive life of the agent, for example, in perception, ...

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Moral relativism

In philosophical discussions, the term 'moral relativism' is primarily used to denote the metaethical thesis that the correctness of moral judgements is relative to some interesting factor, for ...

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Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophy. It is concerned with the nature, sources and limits of knowledge (see Knowledge, concept of). There is a vast ...

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Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophy. It is concerned with the nature, sources and limits of knowledge. Epistemology has been primarily concerned with propositional knowledge, ...

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Collingwood, Robin George (1889–1943)

Collingwood was the greatest British philosopher of history of the twentieth century. His experience as a practising historian of Roman Britain led him to believe that the besetting ...

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Meaning and understanding

The existence of a close connection between the notions of meaning and understanding can hardly be denied. I may be said to understand you, on a given occasion ...

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Davidson, Donald (1917–2003)


Donald Davidson is a central figure in twentieth-century American philosophy. Of the five volumes that make up Davidson’s collected essays, the best known are the first two, ...

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