Search Results 1 - 8 of 8. Results contain 15 matches

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Eurasian movement

The Eurasian movement was a creation of émigré Russian intellectuals following the First World War and the October Revolution. The ideology of Eurasianism was formally proclaimed in 1921. ...

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Karsavin, Lev Platonovich (1882–1952)

Karsavin belongs to the Russian philosophical school of all-oneness (vseedinstvo) and God’s humanity (bogochelovechestvo) originating with Vladimir Solov’ëv in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Karsavin’s thought ...

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Russian philosophy

Russian thought is best approached without fixed preconceptions about the nature and proper boundaries of philosophy. Conditions of extreme political oppression and economic backwardness are not conducive to ...

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Political philosophy

Political philosophy can be defined as philosophical reflection on how best to arrange our collective life - our political institutions and our social practices, such as our economic ...

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Russian Idea, the

‘The Russian Idea’ is a term used by Russian thinkers to define specific features of Russian culture, the spiritual make-up of the Russian nation, the meaning of Russian ...

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Russian philosophy of history

In his classic book The Russian Idea Nikolai Berdiaev pointed out that ‘independent Russian thought was awakened by the problem of the philosophy of history’. It was because ...

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Russian philosophy of law

Russian thought is rarely associated with philosophy of law. The intellectuals of pre-revolutionary Russia are known rather for their uncompromising critique of legalism, passing sometimes into a genuine ...

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Vernadskii, Vladimir Ivanovich (1863–1945)

Vladimir Vernadskii was an earth scientist with broad scientific and philosophical interests. He made important contributions to mineralogy and crystallography, distinguished himself as one of the founders of ...

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