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Smith, Adam (1723–90)

Despite his reputation as the founder of political economy, Adam Smith was a philosopher who constructed a general system of morals in which political economy was but one ...

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Scottish philosophy

The place to begin is the article on Enlightenment, Scottish. It alerts you to the fact that there was rather more to Scottish philosophy in the eighteenth century ...

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Jhering, Rudolf von (1818–92)

Jhering saw law as a mechanism for achieving current purposes, supplying the compulsion needed where other levers were insufficient to secure the conditions of social life. In this, ...

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Carmichael, Gershom (1672–1729)

Gershom Carmichael was a teacher and writer of pivotal importance for the Scottish Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. He was the first Professor of Moral Philosophy at the ...

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Coase, Ronald H. (1910–)

Coase’s work reshaped the economic analysis of law and government policy, and began the law-and-economics movement. His writings, over the course of decades, have consistently emphasized the importance ...

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Ferguson, Adam (1723–1815)

Rarely mentioned by philosophers except as companion of David Hume and Adam Smith, Ferguson contributed a political consciousness to the moral philosophy of eighteenth-century Scotland. In An Essay ...

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Imagination, in modern philosophy

In the modern philosophical period, the imagination (sometimes called the ‘fancy’) is standardly seen as a faculty for having mental images, and for making non-rational, associative transitions among ...

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