Search Results 1 - 12 of 12. Results contain 22 matches

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Ibn Sina, Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn (980–1037)

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the foremost philosophers in the Medieval Hellenistic Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd. His philosophical theory is a comprehensive, ...

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Platonism in Islamic philosophy

Plato seems to have been more an icon and an inspiration than an authentic source for Islamic philosophers. So far as is known, the only works available to ...

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Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al–Din (1263–1328)

Ibn Taymiyya was a staunch defender of Sunni Islam based on strict adherence to the Qur’an and authentic sunna (practices) of the Prophet Muhammad. He believed that ...

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Denys the Carthusian (1402/3–71)

Denys de Leeuwis was born in the village of Rijkel, in modern Belgium. In 1421 he matriculated at the University of Cologne, where he received the Master of ...

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Francis of Meyronnes (d. after 1325)

Francis of Meyronnes, the doctor illuminatus (Enlightened Doctor), was called the ‘Prince of the Scotists’ for his work in systematizing and propagating the philosophy of Duns Scotus ...

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Vital du Four (c.1260–1327)

A Franciscan philosopher and theologian, Vital du Four was noted for denying the distinction between a thing’s essence and its existence, for expounding an Augustinian theory of perception ...

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William of Auvergne (c.1180–1249)

Active in Paris during the third and fourth decades of the thirteenth century, when universities were emerging as centres of Western European intellectual life, William played a decisive ...

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John of La Rochelle (d.1245)

John of La Rochelle was one of the first generation of Franciscan theologians at the University of Paris. What little is known of his life places him as ...

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Ulrich of Strasbourg (c.1220/5–1277)

A Dominican theologian and philosopher and a student of Albert The Great, Ulrich was well known for a widely studied summa theologiae, De summo bono (On the ...

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al-Baghdadi, Abu ’l-Barakat (fl. c.1200–50)

A maverick philosopher, respected medical authority, and seemingly somewhat tempestuous individual, Abu ‘l-Barakat al-Baghdadi produced one voluminous work (the Kitab al-mu‘tabar) in which the philosophical views current in ...

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Occasionalism was a theory of causation that played an important role in early modern metaphysics. In its most radical form, this theory holds that God is the only ...

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